Mindless Self Indulgence last night - Comments

  • Charles Manson.

    Charles Manson. (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I was standing.
    everyone on te balconies looked really bored.
    You should have got standing, the atmosphere was immense.
    x x x
    April 27th, 2008 at 08:12pm
  • Harmony77uk

    Harmony77uk (100)

    United Kingdom
    Ah, I remember the ears cos I pointed them out to a friend!! Shame Jimmy stole them, tell him off next time!
    Templeton Pek... I was close-ish!
    April 26th, 2008 at 07:55pm
  • Rowan Mayfair.

    Rowan Mayfair. (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I TOTALLY SAW YOU. Haha, I've just look on your profile and I recognize you! I was pretty near you too! I was on the balcony, on Lyn-Z's side of the stage - I had a blue and black striped hoodie on and I had flashing bunny ears with me, haha.

    And the support band (Templeton Pek) aren't from Manchester, they're from Birmingham! They're drummer (I think it was their drummer) used to work at one of the bars in the venue! I met their frontman after the show, he was really nice. =)

    MSI were amazing, wern't they? They have so much energy it's unbelieveable! I had SUCH a good time, I can't get over it! I met Jimmy and Lyn-Z afterwards and they signed my ticket and Jimmy STOLE my bunny ears! I didn't want him to sign them really, I just wanted to see if he would put them on...And he did, and never gave them back, haha. He just ran around them stage with them on, then left and came back later with out them. Those bunny ears have been to soooo many concerts with me...They shall be missed, haha.

    It was a great gig, and even though it ended earlier, they were on stage for quite a while! They played ALL my faves, it was amazing!
    April 26th, 2008 at 07:49pm