From hero to zero in my eyes. - Comments

  • I agree, somewhat, with Kerplunk Girl.
    no offence, but it was just one interview
    but i'd understand if he said that all the time.
    true, he needn't say that at all because
    it makes people feel like total shit
    when they read that and think "wow,
    would he ever think of looking at me
    if he believes this?" and it makes them
    strive to change their appearance.
    as i've previously stated, he needn't
    have said that, but it cannot be taken
    to heart unless he absolutely
    says it all the time.

    and also, sometimes magazines
    twist the words of the person being
    interviewed. it's a publicity stunt that
    i've experienced while being a reporter
    for our school paper: people will alter
    and distort answers to questions, and
    quotes in order to make a point
    about their [the interviewers] view.
    June 16th, 2008 at 06:11am
  • Wow, that's harsh.
    I had never thought something like that would come from Ville Valo..
    That is going a bit far in the snide remarks..
    I bet that upset a few fans and other people after reading that =\
    May 21st, 2008 at 06:51pm
  • hahahahahahhaahahahahahahaha. I think it's funny...Honestly though, how many interviews would Ville do? He'd get bored and just say crap. On Viva la bam they just say anything. As you said his lyrics are beautiful, so obviously his deeper than what one little interview reads. You say he's narrow minded, but you're judging his entire personality on one tiny interview in a mag. Sry, that was blunt.
    May 21st, 2008 at 06:48pm
  • who did he say were too fat to be vampires? what an ass.
    May 21st, 2008 at 06:34pm
  • Wow. I never though of Ville Valo that way.
    That is a bit harsh, and he is making tons of people think the way you are about him now.
    Nice going Valo.....
    May 21st, 2008 at 06:16pm