Has anyone here read any of Ayn Rand's works? - Comments

  • exactly. So you can't really take it to the extreme either way or your going a bit too overboard, right? And ya, its kinda a touchy topic, you can't really give a right answer. It's like a religion, there are extreme Christians that will say that God hates you because you don't believe in him and then the extreme nonbelievers. I was trying to make a point...but I think I messed that up...okay well scratch what I said before.

    But the story I do admit was very well written and will probably be read and conversed about for many years.

    May 23rd, 2008 at 12:53am
  • well i thought the book was pretty good because it showed what would happen if people did things for the fairness of it and for the "community" and not for themselves..but when you think about it...would someone work as hard if they are doing it for someone beside themselves..but i understand what u mean about her taking the whole theory too far...it is a little overboard..but she sort of has me won over by the whole theory..cause you cant please yourself if you live for other people....but you do need to be dependent sometimes on other people..
    May 23rd, 2008 at 12:43am
  • sorry that took a while >.<
    May 23rd, 2008 at 12:37am
  • I've read Anthem. I didn't like it too much though. The way Ayn Rand incorperates her opinion of objectivtivism (or the extreme egotism ) into the story just didn't go down well with me. I mean the book makes an excellent point of what would happen if we were to depend on one another in the extreme and its consequences, but I still don't think that we should go as far as her extreme belief. I think we all need each other and depend on each other, but we also fend for ourselves....so no extremes on either end in other words.

    And I wish she had gone further in depth as to how the candle in their little society was even brought up or accepted seeing as how all of the Counsil had to think of the same idea at the same time in order for all of them to accept it. If that makes any sense at all.

    What's your opinion?

    May 23rd, 2008 at 12:36am
  • ok apparantly no one has read the book..sighs
    May 23rd, 2008 at 12:27am