ads, graduation, and marching band! (oh-so-exciting!) - Comments

  • Sick Girl.

    Sick Girl. (100)

    United States
    Kittens!!!! =O! I have a kitten. Her name is Billie Jo. Haha. Anyway...

    Graduation eh? Do you guys have to play a never ending song too? It goes on foreverrrrrr.

    I felt the same way when my one friend started playing the clarinet. He's good at EVERYTHING he tries. Well he wasn't doing it in Marching Band but he did it when we were in jazz band in middle school. Meh, he just started and the teacher gave him all the solos and everything. It really pissed me off because I was the one playing the clarinet since 4th grade. BUT MARCHING BAND! The drumline is where it's at! :D!!!!!
    May 24th, 2008 at 01:23am