Some people just piss me off so much... - Comments

  • skank.

    skank. (200)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I hope this has nothing to do with the journal I posted, because as I said, I wasn't out to offend anyone, and I never said depressed people annoyed me.

    But, I have to disagree. Depression isn't a disease in most cases. It is in some; an actual medical condition that can be treated with drugs, or sometimes there simply is nothing anyone can do.

    Most of the time though, depression is just pessimism taken too far. The way people think is something that interests me a lot, and is something I've studied quite a bit. People who fake happiness aren't obviously going to be happy. But people can try to change their way of thinking. If your immediate thought is, "I'm pretending to be happy but I'm not," then you're never going to be, because you have that constant barrier, that constant, "I am not happy" in your head. Happiness is something people feel because they want to. And I don't mean faking it, because that defeats the whole purpose.
    May 27th, 2008 at 06:35am
  • BiteTheBullet

    BiteTheBullet (100)

    United States
    i agree with you completely.
    both my parent are depressed, and acually i'm pretty sure i just lost a friend because she doesnt want to deal with me being depressed. I hate it and can't help it, and when people accuse you of just wanting attention and things like that i get offended as well. i think some people just don't really think before they assume those things, and i think a lot of it's just people asuming you jsut want attention, not taking into consideration that you could be genuinly depressed.
    May 27th, 2008 at 03:24am