I feel like Shit - Comments

  • Muse4apoem

    Muse4apoem (100)

    United States
    Mom's can be very annoying! My mom sorta dose the samething to me. Im engaged I can look. But good greif enough! I agree with "Amethyst Violet" Take there advice.

    Drivers license what a drag! I did everything to try to get it! But Im 22 and still no license! Who wants to pay for gas anyway? Im trying to save for my future!

    Also Thats anthor reason why life can bug you so you think to much! I can relate on that to!

    I use to sit at home with nothing to do and think about life way to much! I didn't so that so much in school. I would focus on boys there to much and write poems during those years in school.

    Your a mature person thats why it bothers your friends say that stuff! I get buged when people say stuff like that. And Im a totally straight person but I think those words are harsh!
    May 31st, 2008 at 08:00pm
  • Amethyst Violet

    Amethyst Violet (200)

    I can see how those things can offend you. (or anyone for that matter)
    For you're friends, have you asked them to try not saying that stuff around you?
    For you're mom. I'd just tell her to stop. It bothers you and you don't like her taste in men. It's hard to say these things, but once you do then it should be better. They will understand. You may not want to upset your mom but she's upsetting you. You call that fair? I think not.

    I've confronted my mom with a number of things in the past year, and I'm glad I did, even though a few have made her cry, but she needed to hear it. Our relationship is great as well. everyone gets in fights, it's human nature.

    When I had my first kiss, and had sex for the first time I told her that day. (or was it the next?) She was also the first person I told when I figured out I was bi (OK still bi curious)
    May 27th, 2008 at 05:47am
  • Frank!enstein

    Frank!enstein (100)

    United States
    Yeah, I think being straight would be easier. No, I'm not bi. I'm a lesbian.
    But I've always thought it would be easier to be straight. And I hate it when I hear other people saying "That's gay" because...well it just bothers me.
    But you are much braver than me because I've yet to come out to my parents and I've known for sure that this is who I am for three years. But my dad is always saying he thinks I'm a lesbian and he is always asking me how "hot" I think some random chick is. It's annoying and awkward.
    May 27th, 2008 at 05:04am