50 facts... - Comments

  • vvvvvvHey Hey! Let's not get worked up and fight over this, shall we guys?
    Sorry, need to point this out:
    31. I sometimes think I'm mantaly slow.
    You spelled Mentally wrong.
    You seem like a really interesting person. Much more interesting than me. i can see we're also a little alike, because I have to sort of plan out my diet for the day too, and I hate being 150. I've been working my ass off to get back to my old weight.
    Eating disorders interest me too. I love reading about them, because it's interesting to know what goes on in a person's head. Though, if someone I loved had one, I'd have to hit them. Just saying.
    And I wonder about my kids too. And for the dad thing, I totally get it, because I don't know my birth father, and I don't feel like I have a dad anymore, even though I have a stepfather.
    Irish spirit! Woohoo!! :)))
    Okay, so, cha.
    June 4th, 2008 at 09:17pm
  • She said the INTREST her.

    Is it so terribly wrong to be intrested in something?
    June 3rd, 2008 at 11:47pm
  • how could you possibly say you like eating disorders? that makes me SICK. i used to have one, and i was hospitalized, now my sister is dying of one and is under 6 stone. you should be utterly ashamed of yourself, you clearly know nothing about them.
    June 3rd, 2008 at 08:09pm
  • for number one I'm sure they hate that you hate their business.
    June 3rd, 2008 at 07:32pm