Going back to my hometown after a long time - Comments

  • creatureofthedark

    creatureofthedark (100)

    United States
    All I can do is say I can relate.
    Two years ago, I went back to visit my family and friends in Russia. I was so scared the whole time I was on the plane and then the train. I kept thinking they wouldn't like me because I had changed so much and that my Russian (and another language I speak with my grandparents) would be so bad I wouldn't be able to speak to anybody. Because, frankly, living in another country for a long time has a big effect on your language skills.
    But everything turned out alright. I'm sure at least some of your friends will accept you back and will be happy to see you. (Can't promise all of them will.) Just go with the flow.
    June 4th, 2008 at 06:34am