This crap even happens in my sleep. - Comments

  • barfalicious

    barfalicious (100)

    United States
    kay, so I am an absolutely random person commenting, but I have to say that I feel your pain. It seems like all that good shit always happens to everyone ELSE, you know? I hate feeling like I'm never anyone's first choice, and that it seems like there's always someone better. It sucks and I hope it's not always this way. So I can't really offer any healing words of wisdom but I hope knowing someone else is in the same boat makes you feel a bit better. :)
    June 14th, 2008 at 04:42am
  • Carden.

    Carden. (100)

    United States
    I don't think you're a complete idiot.

    This kind of reminds me of an episode of Sex and the City (seriously, I always relate real-life situations to something that happened in either The Office or Sex.) But anyways, I don't know if you watch the show or not, but it's the episode when Charlotte mentions a threesome and she says that she's do it with Carrie or Samantha, but she doesn't mention Miranda.

    And then Miranda starts having dreams where Carrie, Charlotte, and Samatha all seem to want to be with each other rather than Miranda.

    I know, it's not EXACTLY the same thing, but it's slightly similar.

    And to make a point about this, Miranda eventually found a couple that wanted to have a threesome with her. So eventually, you'll find yourself a guy that will like you more than your friend.

    And also, I love having dreams about William Beckett. I haven't had one in ages, though. I remember years ago, every time I had a dream about him, he always had a baby. And that was before he even had a baby. I think my dreams can predict the future.
    June 9th, 2008 at 05:16am