Of Volcanoes and Tea Kettles - Comments

  • crappyloveballad

    crappyloveballad (100)

    United States
    The first thing I said to you was "Wow...I should have put "male" on my info thing...lot's of comments".
    I guess I really was right. It must be really annoying to have hordes of lonely adolecent girls trying to drown you with thier excessive exclamation pionts and smiley faces. Of course, I wouldn't know anything about that seeing as I am one of the six billion users on this site that isn't a guy. And no, I don't think that anyone thinks you're a Betch, becuase you are right...It's super annoying to tell someone you don't want them to do sometyhing, and then everybody just goes and does it anyway. Oh, and I love the title of this journal...It made my all happy inside. No, just kidding. well, anyway I feel for you man boys are stupid. I'm not even going to start on that subject. Maybe I'll make a journal on them. Hmmmm...
    Anyway. So yeah.
    June 14th, 2008 at 07:06pm
  • Socially. Awkward.

    Socially. Awkward. (100)

    United States
    Again I don't want to spam you or your little rant with something that is probably irrelevent but your right about the girl flooding. If I had set my gender to male on my profile I bet I'd get overloaded with comments in a second.
    June 14th, 2008 at 08:02am

    SCRIMMIEandtheCREEP (100)

    United States
    You won't reply to this, I already know. But you will read it, to find out if it's stupid. But I wanted to complement you on 'not a series of abbreviations and combinations of letters that look like they belong stamped on a casket buried on the surface of Mars'. I'm on the debate team and my last speech was about the decline and abuse of the English language. It was cool to see that someone outside of myself cares about that kind of thing. Props to you for not being stupid! Oh, and you sound more like a realist to me.
    June 14th, 2008 at 07:15am