The Woes of High School... - Comments

  • the_undead_princess

    the_undead_princess (100)

    im in ireland but when i started grammer school which is an all girls catholic school for higher tier students ( where everyone plays the violinand as smart as fuck) i was scared shitless too cause all my best friends were going to the same school and i was the only one from my CITY in my class but i have made the best friends ever who i would die for and i am having a blast and always remember there will always be peple better than you at some things and there will always be people who arent as good as you at some things.
    June 15th, 2008 at 12:45am
  • play_your_music

    play_your_music (100)

    United States
    I'm in the exact situation as you!
    I just graduated from the eigth grade and am heading off to high school. My best friend and boyfriend are going to my dream school, and I'm going to this religious all-girls school. *ugh* :(
    My advice is just to act how you normaly act and don't do anything too crazy. High school to me and, as you said, is a time to clear the slate and start something new. Be outgoing and find some new friends. I keep getting told high school can be a great thing if you make it that way. Good luck!!
    Tell me how your first day goes. We can compare :)
    June 14th, 2008 at 10:51pm