Abortion? - Comments

  • Hannahdoll

    Hannahdoll (100)

    United States
    I'm on the fence with this topic.
    Personally,I would never ever have an abortion.
    But who am I to say that a woman can't make her own decisions?
    It is HER body.

    Its a very complicated and touchy subject.
    August 28th, 2008 at 02:56am
  • The Gunslinger

    The Gunslinger (100)

    United States
    Great journal. Abortion is the most horrible thing on the planet.
    August 27th, 2008 at 10:29pm
  • kAiE

    kAiE (100)

    I totally agree, abortion is murder
    July 10th, 2008 at 05:11am
  • Missand

    Missand (150)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I hate it how everyone seems to think teen mums won't provide well for their kids, that perhaps the kids were better off being aborted.

    It's sick to even think about it. That yes bringing up a child in any circumstance isn't going to be easy but not all of those teen mums are drug addicts, high school drop outs. Some of those mums stay on at school until their 9 months is up then go into labour, then go back to school after a week weeks.
    July 3rd, 2008 at 04:53pm
  • SomethingEdge

    SomethingEdge (100)

    can you think of the overpopulation if we had 45million more children each year

    not that I'm saying abortion is right
    I'm rather indifferent on the subject
    July 3rd, 2008 at 01:53pm
  • D. Dixon

    D. Dixon (100)

    United States
    thank you Geesecks. and lil-taz for agreeing. it's murder, people shouldn't have the right to decide who lives and who dies. it just doesn't make sense how you could do that to another person who is living.
    July 3rd, 2008 at 06:46am
  • lil_taz

    lil_taz (100)

    United States
    totaly agree with u alot of my friends like to have sec with there bf and i asked them.."when that one day comes and u find out ur prego what are you going to do now" all im say is that having an abortion is the same shit askilling a newborn puppy it didnt do jack shit to u who made u god and let u decided who lives or dies.those ppl make me sick
    July 3rd, 2008 at 05:44am
  • danee.

    danee. (200)

    This is my opinion.

    There are some cases in which a woman has the freedom of getting an abortion without getting yelled at.

    For instance, if she gets raped and therefore - pregnant. Or if her well-being was in danger.

    But still, people who have sex could have prevented it. And they should have known the consequences.

    And adoption? What if the woman doesn't want to face the embarassement of giving her child away? She will have to live her whole life thinking about how she gave away her baby.

    Some women don't survive through a pregnancy. Would you rather risk your life, or a fetus? Because there's only one of you left. You can make more babies if you wanted to and when you're more ready to handle taking care of one.

    I'm 50/50 on the whole situation of abortion.
    July 3rd, 2008 at 04:53am
  • Careless Whisper.

    Careless Whisper. (310)

    United States
    Abortion is murder.
    July 3rd, 2008 at 02:23am
  • D. Dixon

    D. Dixon (100)

    United States
    i definitely don't agree with abortion. and i completely disagree with lil-miss-gigglz. how would you know if it's human or not? it's got legs and arms and eyes and it came move can't it? just because it's not the size of a human or doesn't exactly look like one yet doesn't mean it's not. and i know for a fact that those options aren't the only one. my best friend got pregnant when she was 17 and she loves her son very much. he's in no way a mistake. and guess what? she just graduated from high school and is going to college in august. OMG imagine that! a mother at 17 and still living her life. OMG lets all freak out! no, that's now how it always goes. so don't go judging before it happens to you. as for adoption, yeah it's going to be hard, but if you think it's the best thing, than do that. but i do not agree with abortion in any way. that child did not ask to be brought into the world under the circumstances it did so it does not deserve to leave it without a say and without the horrible circumstances on which it does. have you ever seen what they do? seriously, it's so freaking wrong. it's inhumane. seriously. and yes i think abortion is murder. just because it's a fetus doesn't mean that it's not alive and that it doesn't have a soul and that it doesn't feel. i mean how would you like to have something stuck in your head and pull out your brain? it's seriously wrong.
    July 2nd, 2008 at 09:31pm
  • Venomous.Vampire

    Venomous.Vampire (150)

    Great Britain (UK)
    you didn't mention people who have been raped.
    look, i think personally that i would never ever get an abortion under no circumstances, including rape, being underaged and my own life being at risk, however, if a friend of mine felt that her only option was to get an abortion, then i woud support her.
    everyone has the right to choose but abortions shoudln't be taken lightly or thought of as the easy option because once you've had an abortion, your life is different.
    July 2nd, 2008 at 09:09pm
  • Missand

    Missand (150)

    Great Britain (UK)
    It's easier said than done just to give up your baby. When you lay eyes on your child all that hate for how it came to be is replaced by love, then you have to say goodbye after subconciously bonding with that baby for 9 months - you have to go through that pain of seeing it taken away. Then as the child grows up in a foster home or with an adopted family it has to undergo the concept of being a rapist baby. The result of a horrible act.

    Not only that as a new mother who is giving their baby up for adoption you don't get to hold it. Do you know that most teenage mothers below the age of 16 regret giving their babies up for adoption as a result of rape. Most of t hose young girls end up craving that thing they never had.
    July 2nd, 2008 at 06:13pm
  • lil-miss-gigglz

    lil-miss-gigglz (100)

    United Kingdom
    What about the girls that are raped when they're 12 or 13, and get pregnant? Yeah, maybe their bodies are mature enough to get pregnant, but their MINDS certainley aren't. They aren't emotionally developed enough to deal with having a baby.

    You said they could have the baby adopted, but what about the actual giving birth part? That's the hardest part, and a 12 or 13 year old girl probably couldn't do it.
    Besides, the younger the mother, the more likely it is that the mother will suffer from complications from the birth, and the more likely it is that the baby will end up deformed, or have Downs Syndrome or something.
    Then with the whole pregnancy and birth, the mother would probably have to re-do a whole year of school, and when she went back to school, she would probaby get bullied A LOT.

    Plus, adoption doesn't always work out. Would you rather the baby went into a foster home, and ended up being abused or bullied, or that it ws never born?

    And if a girl started having sex young, and got pregnant at 16 (so it's legal), is it really fair for her to have to live with a mistake she made when she was 16 for the rest of her life? She probably wouldn't finish school, or go to university, or get a proper job, and would probably end up living off benefits for the rest of her life. The father of the baby most likely wouldn't stick around.

    You also said that 45 million women a year get an abortion. The world is over populated enough as it is - do we really need an extra 45 million people?
    Plus, probably about 25 - 30 million of those women would have the baby adopted, or put it into care, and does the care system need 25 - 30 million more babies to look after? No, it doesn't. A lot of the children now don't get adopted, so if there were 30 million more babies, most of them would never know a loving family.

    And my biggest point: ABORTION IS NOT MURDER! The fetus isn't even a human yet! That's why it's called a FETUS, not a BABY.
    July 2nd, 2008 at 12:25pm
  • Valium Freak

    Valium Freak (600)

    Oh adoption the fancy dream of the first world

    Protection comes from Education another dream from the first world
    July 2nd, 2008 at 09:15am