ahhh stupid hair - Comments

  • Fourth of July was awesome, but then it turned out lame.

    We had a party. It was fun. Good food, and FREE ENTERTAINMENT (drunken parents are funny to watch)! But, then it stormed. Thye said the fireworks were canceled. An hour after they usually do fireworks, we were sitting in my garage, and we saw the sky lighting up [not lightening, but fireworks], so we walked to the door, and you could hear the fireworks perfectly. Right when we walked to the door, they were doing the finally. Everyone was mad. My best friend [ivivalacobra!] was so mad, she wanted to break her phone. :/
    July 6th, 2008 at 02:50am
  • i got ditched on the fourth of july, well pretty much
    and when my friends werent leaving me they were ignoring me so i hated it
    and its not even that they are mad at me
    they are just way to damn conceited to notice anyone else
    i know how you feel-ive been in the house babysitting for free and in the past month ive left the house 5 times and those times i was going to other peoples houses to help them clean before the 4th of july
    July 6th, 2008 at 02:01am