Warped '08 - Comments

  • Warped tour was so amazing! I dont get sunburned, YAY!* does dance*, but I got really dark. It sucked. It took me weeks to go back to my original skin color. My freind dorothy wasnt as lucky. She got second degree burns. But its our fault we didnt wear sunscreen and we didnt want to waste 8 dollars on it. We only had together $40. That was used to by one cd, a shirt, 2 bottles of water(we got free refills), and food. I had to leave during TAI set to go see peirce the viel. Made me sad. Cobra was actually the last band I saw and they took all my energy out of my body. I was basically limping out of the venue. The pain was so worth it. Im going back this summer
    February 22nd, 2009 at 04:12am
  • I know how you feel, only ONE of my arms got sunburned, and my entire body still hurts, two days later. Including my hands. Don't ask why, I myself am not very sure why my hands hurt. But whatever. I stayed the entire time, and I got Gabe to sign a little notebook I had with me that had horsies on the cover! He wrote, 'To Talia *big heart drawn* Gabe.

    I loved it. =D
    July 30th, 2008 at 01:30am
  • wow, that sounds like a pretty awesome day, even if you did have to leave early. oh, butcher playing bass and before that a maraca! : ) sounds like an amazing day! its cool gabe did hollaback boy :) its the first song of theirs i heard.
    ps. keeping money in your bra is the only way to do it, i do it when i go to shows and gigs!
    July 29th, 2008 at 11:09am
  • haha it sounds like u had a good time even if u missed tai but its ok
    i dont blame u the heat can get the best of us all

    but wot u said bout paul wall doing travis' part of snakes ive had that happen too! but it was Honda Civic Tour not Warped...

    nyways now im even more excited to go to warped thank a you!
    July 8th, 2008 at 02:32am
  • damn i was going to see if you put down what you got me...you are very wise my friend now im dying to see my diamond edition!!!*SQUEALS AND SCREAMS in my mind* next i WILL go and i am going to stay all day, if it is at the parkway again, we will stay at my house since i live like 5 minutes away and go there at 8 AM and bring an umbrella :) and i will stay till they carry me away
    July 7th, 2008 at 07:19pm
  • aw.
    i left early too. I went to the dallas show, and i saw cobra starship and beckett
    also came out to sing. Then i almost passed out...
    and i got sunburned so bad i have a blister on my arm....
    but im staying longer next year...haha.
    July 7th, 2008 at 08:04am
  • Aw, man. Sorry you missed TAI.

    But it sounds amazing.
    July 7th, 2008 at 05:14am
  • I stayed from when Cobra played til TAI ended.
    I wanted to see Paramore, even if I grew outta them, lol.
    But it was waaaay too late, and shit! It was hottttttttt.
    & I didn't know that I lived not even an hour away from the race park. xD
    I didn't know where the TAI merch was. =/
    So I got nothing from Warped but I got to meet Fred from the color fred, lol.
    That's all.
    July 7th, 2008 at 04:24am
  • Chap Stique is the sweetest person ever! haha i love that man alwayss.
    but sweeites next time. try to pass out near a guard. they should take you to a first aid station backstage [hopefully] or take you somewhere to recover.
    so you wont have to miss TAI or someone else next time. :[
    July 7th, 2008 at 04:12am
  • Awh dang :(
    Missed Tai.
    Well at least you say Cobra and he came out and sung Snakes on a plane.
    So you got some Beckett :]
    And it will be cooler in the fall.

    Sounds like you had fun,
    Minus the heat.
    July 7th, 2008 at 03:57am
  • AWWWW, YOU MISSED TAI!? I'm so sorry! But yeah, heat can be pretty unbearable. Lucky for me at my show they were playing around 2:20 so I didn't have to wait too long. But it still sounds like you enjoyed yourself immensely and you got to see lots of bands, so yay! And you'll of course get to seem them in the fall when they headline. And Paul Wall!! Woooo!!

    ETA: Thanks for posting this for me despite your exhaustion :)
    July 7th, 2008 at 03:33am