I Remember Childhood- Don't You? - Comments

  • blackfiredemone

    blackfiredemone (100)

    United States
    growing up isn't nessacarily a bad thing.
    yes, ignorance is truely bliss, but you need to be informed, you need to know what's going on. you don't want to live your life in a dream.

    life sucks. it does. its just the way life works. theres nothing anyone can do about it, unfortunately. you'll have good times and you'll have bad times. you'll be happy and you'll be sad. its all homeostasis, for lack of a better analogy [kinda?]

    you just need to keep you head about water, though. keep marching through the mud, for the greenlands lie beyond the swamp.

    always remember that if your life can sink so far down, it can always climb that far up. of course, gravity is working against the good, so the climb up always takes longer than the fall down, but it's always worth it when you finally get there. patience is the key.

    July 13th, 2008 at 10:43pm