Annoyed with fanfics. - Comments

  • Once again. Just venting frustration, if you don't really like what I have to say, don't read it. I've already apologized in another post.
    Let's get some PLUR in these comments eh?
    So, thanks for your replies nonetheless.
    July 20th, 2008 at 07:37am
  • I'll tell you what I've told the 353563464 other people that have posted this very journal: You don't like it, don't read it. Simple, is it not?
    July 18th, 2008 at 01:52am
  • Fanfiction is just original fiction using a famous persons name. It's just as creative. Just because someone uses a famous person doesn't mean they aren't making them their own character. The Gerard Way in one persons story is completely different to the one in another persons story.

    And to be honest, if I want to read OF, I'll buy a book, or go to a library.

    There is a lot of shitty fanfiction on Mibba, granted. But there is also a lot of shitty original fiction, too.
    July 17th, 2008 at 05:31pm
  • My one shots are original, if you're looking to read something other than a fanfic.

    I totally get what you're saying, sometimes I want to read something a little more original than Frank and Gerard fucking each other, but some of them are pretty good, so, I deal.

    I've also decided I'm going to try writing one, but I don't know how that'll work, hah.
    July 17th, 2008 at 09:18am
  • I do believe they can write what they want. And they shouldnt get it thrown back in their face.
    July 17th, 2008 at 08:28am
  • I do agree with you about trying to find good stories and all you see is boy-band slash and shit, it's just that there are heaps of these journals.
    July 17th, 2008 at 07:49am
  • I'm kind of in the middle, I guess. I write fanfics, and I like some of them, I'm just tired of all the MCR or Panic At The Disco stories. I'll try to find a Taking Back Sunday story. All of them on the search pages are MCR with a mention about TBS.

    Also, all the frerards, rydons, and whatever else there is on here are all the same. They meet some way, and every chapter after that, they're 'doing it'.
    July 17th, 2008 at 07:49am
  • Like Spaztastic said.
    I'm an original fiction writer. Many people just don't seem to like it, so they don't read it.
    I personally love it.
    I also tried finding another site, but Mibba is the only one I have found decent.
    But yeah, I used to only read fanfics and write them, but then I grew out of it, and write OFs.
    So, basically, people will morph.
    July 17th, 2008 at 07:48am
  • Ok, I'm sorry about the controversy this has caused. I'm sorry if I offended anyone.
    I was just venting some frustrations. If you don't agree with what I wanted to say, it's not your obligation to reply.

    Also, it is good to see other people's point of view, so, thank-you.
    July 17th, 2008 at 07:46am
  • I write fnaifcitons and all my fanfctions have meaning and depth to them. Just because I choose to write about Frank and Gerard rather than BIll and Ted doesn't make me any less of a writer. Though yes, there are tons of fanfictions that are overdone and stupid and are just around to filfill some chicks fantasy, there are plenty and I mean plenty out there that are ten times better than any original story I have read. Published or otherwise.
    July 17th, 2008 at 07:44am
  • Now, I'm just getting annoyed with the journals AGAINST fan fiction. We get at least 5 everyday now. Don't you have something more constructive to rant about? This is just getting old and irritating.
    July 17th, 2008 at 07:42am
  • Aww, this journal is so overdone.

    Look, there are amazing original fics, and there are crappy cliche original fics, just as there are in fanfiction.

    I like fanfiction. It's essentially original fiction with names of people from bands.

    Personally, I've never found an original fic that I really liked online; I read plenty of that in real life.

    And one of the most amazing writers I've ever encountered writes Frerard.
    July 17th, 2008 at 07:38am
  • Mibba is also where people can develop their writing abilities. I used to be a fanfic writer (back when INO still had 'em) and that helped me create my own characters eventually. Sometimes FF authors will write and OF for a change, or do a complete transition like I did over two years ago.

    Is there a way to encourage more OF writers?
    No. Heh. People won't change unless they do something like I stated above.
    July 17th, 2008 at 07:38am
  • Well, I can agree with that; as far as more creative fanfics go.

    As far as encouraging more OF writers, people write what they love. And for many, that's fanfiction, and I find that absolutely okay.
    July 17th, 2008 at 07:37am
  • Write another journal about it maybe asking if some of them to write you some OF's or make it into a contest or something like that.
    July 17th, 2008 at 07:36am
  • Not all are meaningless, I appreciate the ones that have meaning.

    Mibba "A creative writing communtiy".
    It would be nice to see more creative fanfics. It's nice reading fanfics that have a twist to the original lives of celebrities, rather than just inserting a character of yourself and your friends.

    Is there a way to encourage more OF writers?
    July 17th, 2008 at 07:35am
  • There are some fanfictions with meaning.
    I don't think it's fair to label them all as meaningless.
    You have one, correct? Isn't that hypocritical?

    I don't want to sound like a bitch, I respect your opinion. But seriously.
    July 17th, 2008 at 07:28am
  • Most of the original fictions aren't written very well so no one bothers to read them. Celebrities are just easy to visualize and they've already stolen your heart (Possibly) so people find them more enjoyable. Basically we write, no matter what we write we are still authors.
    July 17th, 2008 at 07:26am
  • Not many people are OF writers here. Some choose not to be because they don't want to. Other choose not to be since some of them don't get a lot of attention.
    I write only original fictions, yet I've taken a break to do other projects. You could read my one finished chaptered story or one-shots if you want.

    Good luck with finding another site. I've already done a search. Many times. I've been here since the dawn of this site and saw the rise of fanfictions - that's when I first did a search. There are sites that don't have fanfictions but you still don't get any feedback and many just aren't good. I'm on, like, five and I get more readers here since I have a following. There are OF writers on here. I can name a few if you want. That's all I read.

    Also, if you want a good FF read The Black Parade by zodiac. It's the only one that I couldn't stop reading.
    July 17th, 2008 at 07:25am