this just isn't worthwhile anymore... - Comments

  • Hey :) My name's Ashley. And I can completely relate to this.
    I felt like that for a long time with one of my old passions.
    I used to play the viola and it became a great hobby (and even career goal) of mine.
    However, as the years progressed, it began to feel more of an obligation than a desire to play the viola. But I felt like quitting would mean letting down everyone around me who was so proud of me being a musician. So I stuck with it for about two more years (which were two of the weariest and most tedious of my life).
    And over these developing years I've found other hobbies (poetry and composition) that I love far more than I had ever loved playing the viola.

    >>So what I'm really trying to get at here, is that you should never spend so much energy in something that you don't enjoy. It's not being true to your fans if you keep writing without enjoyment.
    And even worse, you're not being true to yourself.

    >>And who knows? Maybe you'll find something you love a lot more along the way and you'll be a lot happier in general.

    ....and Holy crap that was a long comment :D
    hahah...sorry about that. Anyways, I hope it helped some.

    -Ashley :)
    July 24th, 2008 at 11:20pm