Why must there be a Hell? - Comments

  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    I like the idea of hell. >:]
    Well, no. Kidding.
    But, if anything Hell seems more appealing than God and Heaven.
    Satan doesn't automatically send you somewhere where you suffer if you do something wrong and don't confess (even though he already KNOWS you've done it because he knows everything... and he already knew what you would pick) or you don't believe in him.
    August 22nd, 2008 at 05:09am
  • Dancing Caveman

    Dancing Caveman (450)

    United States
    This was one stop on the way of my path to atheism. Why would God punish otherwise good people for such trite things as homosexuality? Surely, a man in love with another man is deserving of a better place than that of a child rapist. Surely a God would allow people to lie and enter into Heaven. After all, what if the lie saved a person? What if a person was hiding Jews and the Nazis came to their house and asked them if there were any Jews there? Wod they have to answer "Yes." in order to get to Heaven? Risk an entire family of people to satisfy the ability to not lie? Would God send a 10 year old to Hell for simply being a Buddhist?

    It didn't make any damn sense to me. I couldn't imagine how a human could be more merciful and forgiving than a supposedly all-loving God. I couldn't imagine a God being so angry over something so trivial as belief. There is such a lack of evidence for God, why would he hold it against those who didn't believe?

    No, good people do not deserve torment.

    After a few other stops, I came to the conclusion that there isn't a God. Life has become more meaningful for me. I am happier than ever. God is about control. God is man. Man is flawed. Man is evil. Man wants power and control. Man created God to gain more power and control. Otherwise, God wouldn't be so flawed, hateful, and stupid.
    August 20th, 2008 at 10:53pm
  • Holly.

    Holly. (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I'm an aetheist. I obviously believe there is no Hell or anything like that, but being realistic here, if the God you believe in would send one of his 'children' to Hell just for not believing in him, then is that really a God you want to trust and love? Would he really send an aetheist to Hell even if they were a moral, good person?

    I don't think so. I think the way you have to look at it is, aetheists aren't bad people, so if your God is who you believe he is, then have some faith that he would forgive us.

    hope this helps, Holly. xx
    August 20th, 2008 at 10:07pm
  • The Warden's Wife

    The Warden's Wife (100)

    United States
    Us humans will always be too inferior to understand the things that God does, I would never question them. When I think about some of the friends I've lost...Ones that I know probably never went to Heaven, of course I am saddened, but you must realize that God knows all, you couldn't have possibly known EVERY LITTLE THING about that person, but God did and if he decided that they shouldn't reside in his beautiful home then you should trust his judgement.
    August 20th, 2008 at 10:06pm