Answering the top 12 Pro Abortion arguments... - Comments

  • "Why bring a child in the world if it is unloved? I would rather be dead than shoved in an orpanage because my real parents didn't love me and I would rather be dead than living in a house with parents which did not love me"

    thats only your opinion.

    i would rather be unloved than die.

    so who are you to make these decisions for these children?
    October 19th, 2008 at 11:02pm
  • you know what, i would very happily adopt every child in the orphanage if that meant there were no abortions. and since when did it become a person's right, a persons choice to kill somebody?
    October 18th, 2008 at 02:40pm
  • The world is already over populated.

    Why bring a child in the world if it is unloved? I would rather be dead than shoved in an orpanage because my real parents didn't love me and I would rather be dead than living in a house with parents which did not love me

    Education - If I am a teenager and pregnant what about my G.C.S.E's? What about my future. Yes it's a human being but to be honest it wouldn't make much difference if it was alive or dead. If I regret my actions then that baby would be the equation of it and therefore if I didn't make that mistake it wouldn't be there. If I can reverse it I will

    It's CHOICE. If you want to stop abortion then by all means adopt the children living in orphanages because of those keeping them or go in foster homes and foster all those children. Truth is most of them will have to fend for themselves or live of OUR money.
    October 17th, 2008 at 11:13pm
  • completely agree with you. and um halii if you become pregnant as a teenager should the baby be punished for your mistakes? the baby is alive and to say that you would've "leapt at the chance to get that little thing aborted" that's horrible. that little thing happens to be a growing baby a baby that would've depended solely on you and yet in a heartbeat you would end it's life just to further your own. selfish, that's all i can say without screaming.
    October 17th, 2008 at 02:27pm
  • you're right. when their heart stops they are dead. but the question is not whether its alive or not. if it wasn't alive, it couldn't grow. its whethter its a person or not, and even a dead guy is still a person
    October 10th, 2008 at 02:17pm
  • You have very strong arguments and convincing views on this matter and I highly commend you on that. I recognise that an unborn baby is a human being. We had long discussions about this in Biology at GCSE. I feel that yes, it is murder, and I do not agree with it. Despite what I say, I personally could never end up in the position of being pregnant, so perhaps I am biased. However, in terms of human beings, we consider life over when a heartbeat stops, then the person is proclaimed dead, even if they still have 'living' and respiring cells within them, so why can I not argue, that a foetus is not (in human terms) alive until its heart begins to beat (however vaguely and marginally)?
    October 10th, 2008 at 12:53am
  • i'm not really on mibba anymore, but i just found this journal by chance and it broke my heart, so i had to say something. if people argue that we can abort babies because they aren't people yet, when do they become a person? you don't BECOME something just by growing older. as soon as you are brought into creation you are a human being; you can't become human by growing up.

    and for those who say that they're pro-abortion because everyone deserves a choice, i doubt you even realise you just contradicted yourself. the baby doesn't get a choice. it's mindless infantcide.
    October 5th, 2008 at 07:06pm
  • Have you ever thought you might be a teenaged mother? It's an awful feeling.
    Luckily, it turned out to be a false alarm, but if I had been, I would have leapt at the chance to get that little thing aborted.
    I had my closest friends punching me in the stomach instead of hugging me hello.
    It's the scariest thing that's ever happened to me, because it would have taken the future that I need for myself. You may think that it's wrong, but if you think that, then curing people with diseases is wrong, too. It's all just medical science. Improvements in the way we live.
    If a woman doesn't want to have her baby, it's not gonna care when it's dead.
    September 6th, 2008 at 07:03pm
  • i never said heart cells are people, i just said they're alive. its just when people say the fetus isn't living or alive it doesn't make much sense....
    August 30th, 2008 at 12:24am
  • Heart cells aren't a person, RogueLieutenant. Yes, they're alive--but tumors are living cells as well, and yet I don't see anyone holding up signs proclaiming "SAVE THE TUMORS".
    August 29th, 2008 at 03:03am
  • "And, a fetus doesn't have a heartbeat until the third trimester, late second at the youngest. Therefore, they're not technically living yet." - hormones

    the question is not if its alive yet. scientists can grow heart cells in a dish and those cells are alive. how could a fetus not be living? it couldn't grow if it were dead. the question is if its a person or not and there is no way to prove that it is a person, and no way to prove that it is not a person either. so we go back to the hunter in the woods analogy...
    August 28th, 2008 at 08:07am
  • I'm pro-choice.

    A fetus is not a person. The life of it's mother is worth more than that of the fetus. She is already living. If letting the fetus become a baby is something that would be damaging to her, physically or emotionally, then it is not worth it.

    Some people are idiots. They go out, have unprotected sex and get pregnant. They should have to deal with the consequences.

    But protection isn't sure-fire. Accidents happen. If the mother is not emotionally or financially able to look after a baby, she should abort it. Adoption is not a miracle answer. There are already far too many unwanted children in this world. Aborting something before it's even alive is much kinder than bringing it into a family than doesn't want it.

    And if it was rape, or against your will? Hold the responsibility for another's life and just deal with it.

    If a twelve year old girl got raped and pregnant, you'd expect her to "just deal with it"? A fetus isn't a life. It won't be tramatised if it is aborted, because it doesn't feel. A frightened twelve year old girl forced to give birth to the baby of her rapist? That's just sickening.
    August 28th, 2008 at 02:31am
  • I agree 100%. (:
    August 28th, 2008 at 01:17am
  • It's kind of sounding like the mother who doesn't want the fetus in her has no choice. Twelve-year olds who'v been gang raped (hypothetically) shouldn't be forced to further endure the trauma of giving birth.
    I know abortion is wrong in the borad spectrum of things...but yet I'm still all for it. Because in all truthfulnes, no one should be forced to give birth. Including me. That's just asking a bit much, you know?
    August 28th, 2008 at 01:00am
  • I'm pro-choice. I always have been. I always will be. Religion needs to stay out of my uterus, thank you very much. :)
    August 28th, 2008 at 12:31am
  • I'm pro-abortion. I believe that everyone deserves their choice. Good or bad, it's not anyone else's decision to make. Until a fetis starts talking, I'm not sure abortion laws will be taking place anytime soon.

    And yes, I probably would turn away if I saw a child being dropped from a third story building. I'd be able to do nothing else. The immorality and the consequences are the woman's fault.

    So in a way, I really don't care. :/
    August 27th, 2008 at 11:57pm
  • I'm pro-abortion, but only under certain circumstances.

    And, a fetus doesn't have a heartbeat until the third trimester, late second at the youngest. Therefore, they're not technically living yet.

    I do get where you're coming from though.
    August 27th, 2008 at 11:04pm
  • I'm highly against abortion.

    I could go on and on about it, too. Abortion is murder, plain English.

    I don't care if its CHOICE or what, you had the sex, you have the baby. You should think first.

    And if it was rape, or against your will? Hold the responsibility for another's life and just deal with it.

    There's no excuse for killing someone so innocent.
    August 27th, 2008 at 10:58pm
  • I'm pro-abortion because everybody deserves a choice.
    August 27th, 2008 at 10:51pm
  • O.o
    Nope I don't care if I kill harmless little children with their little halos and jesus-lit-sunbeams of f_cking joy.
    I don't care if the kid never lives, it's one less thing to take care of.
    I hear what you're saying, those little bloody pieces of flesh are alive.
    I do agree with one thing you say however...
    The last line is very nice
    August 27th, 2008 at 10:47pm