Why Do I Have To Be Ashamed About My Own Feelings? - Comments

  • Wow
    I think you're really brave actually :)
    Just remember you have all these people you have behind you on Mibba and
    Hey, like everyone said below, screw the other homophobes and dont hide yourself etc etc

    cheers (Y)
    October 6th, 2008 at 05:40am
  • it sucks that you and loads of other people have to hide who they are but man are you brave i could never come out to my mother i dont know what she would do... anywho i hope you find someone amazing and fuck anyone who says you cant
    September 3rd, 2008 at 12:04am
  • The hardest part of coming out, for me, was coming out to myself.
    It's very admirable that you're as comfortable with yourself as you are (even if that's not fully comfortable), and it will take time.
    It's not messed up; coming out is probably one of the hardest things that someone can do, short of dying or losing someone. (IMO)
    Whatever you do, don't be ashamed. There's nothing wrong with love.
    Heck, all the world needs is more love.
    August 29th, 2008 at 05:17am
  • just hold your head high and don't let anyone (even your mother) get to you. you're stronger than all of them.
    August 29th, 2008 at 05:17am
  • Your story really touched me. I'm so sorry that your heart has been broken, and I wish that you didn't hide your feelings. Be proud of who you are. Don't worry about what others say. Your mother should have shown more sympathy for you after the breakup versus your sisters. You were in love, for God's sake.

    It is messed up, yes. But you just need to stand up and be proud. Love is love. I think you're a very brave, strong person for dealing with all of that.

    You'll find a woman one day that won't betray you. She's out there, you just need to look. And remember: stop hiding yourself. If people can't accept you, fuck them.
    August 29th, 2008 at 05:17am
  • wow...... theres nothing much else to say realli
    you should never ever be ashamed of how your feeling or who you are
    if people cant accept it then they arent worth your time or effort
    i hope everything gets better for you
    August 29th, 2008 at 04:54am