BATMAN 3!!! ...Batman 3? - Comments

  • Dr. Quinzel

    Dr. Quinzel (100)

    United States
    @ Skittlemeister
    Thank you, thaank you

    @ sunshines
    Really? I was hoping it would. The funeral thing was, I thought, my favorite part of this entire journal..rant.. thingy. And yeah, I agree with the it'd be reeeeeeally hard trying to find someone to replace Heath Ledger. And Noooooo sidekicks. Yay!

    @ Sheepy
    It's too bad Nolan doesn't like Harley. I love her! And yeah, I don't really like catwoman either but you know, she and Batman just kinda goooo together. But that last thing you said, about the hard act to follow, that was the thing that was plaguing my mind too; 'How could they make a /better/ movie than The Dark Knight? You know?

    @ vghdob
    Yeah.. I kinda get the 'bring back Two-Face' thing. To be honest, I'd be aaaaaa-ok with it, since he was pretty damn cool. By the way, I loooove The Crow.

    @ Spaztastic
    Batgirl is Gordon's daughter. If she were his wife, that's be.. creepy. Just plain creepy.
    And Nolan's basing the movies off the comics, not following them completely so I still stand by the idea that Harley would be a good idea. And when I meant all of Gotham, I seriously meant all of Gotham. I know that not everyone approves of what Batman is doing, but when all of Gotham is after him, no one approves of what he's doing... And whatnot. I also know that Bale hates Robin but this was mainly my opinions and not Bale's.
    September 1st, 2008 at 04:28am
  • Spaztastic

    Spaztastic (640)

    United States
    Two-Face has a very big possibility of coming back. Just because there was a funeral doesn't mean anything. Plus, it was more of a memorial. He could've easier gotten up after Batman, Gordon and his family left. No one knows and won't until about 2010 (if the release date is 2011 like I've seen).

    Robin isn't going to be in it anyway. Bale doesn't like Robin and wouldn't do the movies if he was in it. I don't like Robin that much either, but if they used Jason Todd - the second Robin - they'd need the Joker to kill him like in Death of the Family.

    Penguin has already been used and has been done fairly well. There really is no need for him to come back. Yes, the Joker and Two-Face have been in the movies before too, but the Joker wasn't done right and Batman can't be complete without Two-Face.

    Mr. Freeze is a big possibility of being in it. You said you hated this character, but have you ever read the comics? If you have you'd realize he wasn't done right in the movie. Maybe Nolan will put justice to his character.

    Batgirl is Gordon's wife. She becomes Oracle who plays a big role in Batman comics. If they're wanted an Oracle in Batman 4 (yes, there's gonna be two more) they'll need Batgirl first.

    The Joker IS NOT coming back. IS NOT. Get that into your head, guys! Nolan played with the idea of having a trial in the beginning but dismissed it even before Ledger died. Any Batman fan knows he goes into Arkham, escapes, goes back, escapes and so on until the end of time!

    Scarecrow, no. Nolan isn't going to use him a third time. What's the point? He was already in it twice. No Batman movie has ever used the same character two times in a row. Plus, there's many more characters to use that have never been in the movies. Scarecrow was one, but he had his time in the lime light.

    Quinn - no. In order to use her you need to Joker. He needs to have another big role because without him there is no Quinn. Also, Nolan is following the original comics. Harley wasn't introduced until 1992 and that was in the cartoon. She wasn't in the comics until 1994. Batman was been around since 1939. There's better characters than her.

    Riddler - I think so. It'd be fun to have him. Along with Two-Face and the Joker he's my favorite character. And he's not like the Joker. During the CCA era the Joker became like the Riddler. The Joker is supposed to be dark and morbid and just kill people for fun. The Riddler leaves riddles and clues to what he's going to do next because obviously he wants attention.

    If you read the comic books you know Batman is going to be hunted down by the police force. He always is. Many people still don't like what he's doing, but then again many people do. That's an ongoing theme for the past 70 years.

    vghdob, yeah the Joker did die in the first movie and they did bring him back for this one. But this is a totally new director and story lines. I still think Dent'll come back though. But if they have him in another big role and the Riddler it would be too much like the other movie they were in.

    I could kind of see Catwoman coming in. Selina Kyle and Batman did have a thing going on...I'm just not a big fan of her. She's alright.
    August 31st, 2008 at 05:02pm
  • vghdob

    vghdob (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    They might bring back two-face. The Joker died in Batman (1989) and they brought him back. I hope they don't though, Harvey Dent's chin annoyed me alot. It would be cool to put in Harley Quinn though.
    August 31st, 2008 at 04:07pm
  • Sheepy

    Sheepy (115)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Nolan, the director of the current Batman movies, said even before Ledger's unfortunate death that he wouldn't use the Joker again.
    He's also known to dislike Robin and Harley Quinn as characters.
    The last time Catwoman was in a movie was a quite spectacular flop, as well.
    Most people seem to think that The Riddler would be good as the next Batman villain.
    Let's face it, the producers have got a lot of villains to choose from here.
    Only one thing's really for certain: whichever character it is, and whoever ends up playing them have a pretty damn hard act to follow.
    August 31st, 2008 at 12:17pm
  • chromatography.

    chromatography. (255)

    Your comment about two-face made me laugh actually. =]

    I would like the idea of Harley Quinn but I think it's gonna be difficult finding someone to replace the part of the joker. Heath Ledger in my opinion just fitted the part perfectly, maybe that's because I'm Australian and I really support his talent. RIP Heath, you are still missed.

    Catwoman, I wanna see her again for sure. I agree with Skittlemeister below.

    Oh, batman needs no sidekicks in my opinion. That's all.
    August 31st, 2008 at 12:06pm
  • Skittlemeister.

    Skittlemeister. (150)

    United States
    i personally wouldn't like the riddler for batman 3. to me, he's too much like the joker, and would seem weird. if he were a bit like what you described, i'd be okay with it. just no jim carrey.

    i like the idea of using harley quinn. that way, like you said, it could indirectly include the joker.

    all of your don'ts, i agree with. especially robin. the nolan batman movies have come to far to revert to the whole "kapow!" type of batman.

    thank you, that is all.
    August 31st, 2008 at 10:47am