Second week of school blues. - Comments

  • StarEyedSerpent

    StarEyedSerpent (100)

    United States
    Reading this made me feel like I was invading your head or something.
    but in a way, we are similar.
    I have emotional break downs sometimes too.
    nobody knows it.
    I don't deel with it in the same way you do though.
    I don't have enough will power to.
    Instead I cry... or take it out on god.
    I am ashamed of myself for it.
    But my mom used to yell at god for making my stepdad die.
    I would hear her accusations.
    Nobody else.
    Only me.
    I think I cought on.

    I want to go to church.
    But its too sad.
    I don't want to yell at god.
    I want to be his friend.
    But its too sad.
    Too damn hard.

    You know evertime a see an effing yellow highliter I have to fight back tears cause it reminds me of him.
    my stepdad.

    He said god told him he would die before he turned forty.
    He died one month before his fortieth birthday.

    I feel rejected and alone a lot at school.

    On the bus people look at me and flinch away.

    In language I don't even exist.

    But my other classes I do.

    This I do not understand.

    Ugh, sorry, I wrote so much but yeah.

    comment back yer sumthin por favor.
    September 13th, 2008 at 10:10pm