My Bitter Sweet Sixteenth Birthday

Okay, so this is my first time writing such a thing and it'll probably suck big time but whatever.

So, I turned 16 on the fifth of September. At first I thought that it wouldn't be too good 'cause my first cousin was getting married the same day. And actually no one even payed attention to me until 19:58 h. It was then that my b-day was announced to the whole party. All thanks to my loving uncle =]. Anyway, the DJ said

"I hear that there's this shy birthday girl at the party." At that I turned red 'cause seriously I never thought that he'll say it like that, though I am shy in front of lots of people. My cousin, the bride, told me to go to the dance floor and show myself. And that I did. Ever so slowly I got my shaking and not to forget slightly blushing self to the dance floor. I looked at the DJ with a look that said 'So I'm here now what?' And my question was answered and I blushed even more.

"Vicky, here, just turned 16. So is there a gentleman out there that would like to ask her for a dance?"

Honestly speaking I didn't know absolutely anyone there and I started thinking 'Great way to embarrass myself on my 16th b-day, isn't it? No one's gonna come ask me I just know it.'

Those two thoughts were just playing over and over again in my head like a broken record player or something. By now at least 10 seconds had passed and my smile started to become smaller... However, a guy that I had been watching almost the whole day, came over to me and asked me to dance. One of "Metallica"'s songs started playing and we started dancing. And that, my friends, was my first dance with a guy. I had the feeling of burning but I ignored it.

My face flushed so red that even a tomato could get jealous. That and I swear my heart could be heard at the other end of the country. I learned lots about him, he had two tattoos a had a motorcycle. At first I just danced there gaping at him. He was so my type he even listened to the same type of music. We hung out all night long, and I think I kinda got to crush on him... too bad though he's 25 and lives on the other frikkin' end of the frikkin' country... To say I was angry and disappointed was an understatement...

Yeah, we danced lots, and in the end we exchanged numbers and he kissed my cheek. Seriously, this guy knew how to sweep a 16-year-old off her feet. I swear my heart was gonna burst right out of my chest. He even called me the next day and we talked a bit.

My father doesn't like him though, not that I care or anything... I have this feeling that even though he showed an interest it was nothing but that. An interest.

Maybe something like a one night stand only it could be called a one night flirt?

Anyway, I do hope that it was more than that...

Yours truly,

WildGirl a.k.a. Vicky
September 6th, 2008 at 09:15pm