I dont get it

She told me she loved me. She asked me out and proposed and said that i made her so happy. What happend to that? What happend to never leaving me? What happend to forever, and eternity? What happend to never letting go and never saying goodbye?
I guess promises are for the weak and foolish. They are never really taken to the grave or given any notice to.
I didnt do anything wrong. Didnt do anything different. Didnt ever go back on a promise or anything i said. So why is this happening to me? Why now? Why this way?
I guess,
that if we are supposed to be together it will happen, and if not....i just dont know.

But i guess until then, ill do whatever...No matter what it does, to me or anyone around me...If i wanna do somthing ill do it....I no longer have a reason for existance, a reason to want to live, a reason to wanna be anything or anyone at all...
Its all gone.
My life, my love, my heart.
Crushed into a million pieces.

Like Bella Swan..
She was my Edward Cullen...Maybe she will come back to me, like he did to her...and then again, maybe not...

I dont care about me.
I want her happy, no matter how bad it really hurts and how bad i wanna die.....she will never need to know how empty and dead i officially am.
September 7th, 2008 at 06:35am