Best Mibbian reads

Okay, so this are the stories I am or have been obsessed with on Mibba. You should totally check em out.

Carpe Noctem
author:Nessie (her current screenname is 'Brutal', but she changes it constantly)
Story involves: a new view on vampires, witty remarks, sex, and a jaw-dropping storyline. Characters include an exdominatrix, a sex-addicted vampire with a slight resemblance to Spike from buffy, a guy who wants to be a russian rainbow and his partner and the ever so sweet Mary.
Story status:: ongoing.

Come as You are
author: Nessie
Story involves: Second favorite My Chem fanfiction ever. Excellent characters, not OOC at all, references that blow your mind away, awesome use of language and all in all addicting. Ophie is one character I'm sure I'll never forget, she's too special, too unique.
Story status:: complete!

I See Everything
author: Kissmeunderarainbow
Story involves: Original Fiction, a boy who sees something he'd rather not see. Drama and supernatural.
Story status:: Ongoing!

author: electricgilrs
Story involves: A girl who releases stress by going on a shooting range. Her life's full of drama to say the least, but the usual 'oh, she kissed my boyfriend, let's go cut' type. One of the best descriptive language I've ever read. Characters drill into your mind.
Story status::

Love at Gunpoint
author: annajde
Story involves: Two sisters have been kidnapped into a Scotland castle. They're to act as they're kidnapper's wifes. A lot of swearing in the most unique way, it's a LOL for sure. Hilarious, awesome descriptions and outwordly characters.
Story status:: Finished with sequel!

Unspeakably Right
author: Mephisto
Story involves: SASUNARU (L) boyxboy. Sasuke and Naruto meat at Konoha's Music Academy. They used to hate each other, but things change...Descriptions that paint a picture in your mind, witty remarks, hawt!
Story status:: ongoing :P

There are several more that I have to recommend, but I'll leave them for next journal. Authors, sorry for butchering your story in my simple summaries, I know I suck at that. People, READ THOSE STORIES, okay?

Have a nice day, hope y'all are not melting like I am...
September 7th, 2008 at 06:46pm