I got your doggy in my pants.

omg im so sorry i haven't updated in so long!
please for give me but i have been really busy. clare was here and then after she left, i had school and got sick and have been feeling sick since the third. and i have feild hockey practice everyday after school and then i have to do my home work. and im not like shelby i cant manage my time better . im not that smart and it can take me hours to do my home work somethines.even if its the simplest thing.

i would have updated this weekend but my mom went out friday night, so i had my friend kayla over and i was up till 5am then my love called at like 7am and woke us up. Then he came over for a bit and after he left i went to kaylas and we went swimming and the we went and got pizza for dinner and her dad took us out to get movies so we watched prom night and dead silence and i ended up stay the night at her place. then we went to get pizza for breakfast again. cause her house has like no food. then i spent the rest of the day with my love and when i got home i was told i was grounded!

-------------------------------------------CLARE- BEAR-------------------------------------------------

OMG and i have your sock!!!!... i wore it yesterday :P lol i carry my letter from you around in my binder, i havent takin it out :PIVE MISSED YOU TOO!!!! i havent been up to much, i have practice everyday after school and then i have to do my home work and then clean and then get on the computer. but im so glad i have msn mobile or i would die! it feels like i've bearly talked to you since school started! ahhh i hate having a busy scheadul. i got so mad today cause the one day this week that i didnt have feildhockey my friend jackie told me there was a meeting for cheerleading after school. so i was like WTS! i have plans after school. and then after school shes all like oh yeah i have a doctors appointment your going to have to run the practice! i was like WTH! holly shit she calls a team meeting that she cant even come to!!! AHHH some people make me so mad! but thats okay. we turned the cheerleading squad into a dance group and not we have decided on new uniforms and everything :P new music different rutines, new out fits! and ways to pay for everything and the cheerleading sesion doesnt even start yet! im proud of my self!:P OMG the VMA's were so good last night!! AHHH Bill and Tom were so SEXY! i want to fly to hollywood right then and there to rap them. i would have turned around to Tom and been like SEX ME NOW! lol



shelby i saw you must not let your story end. we shall all die before your allowed t end it!!!!
lol omg i hate our science textbooks. i was almost sick looking at it tonight! lol i dont know why im writing a message to you in my journal when i talk to you EVERY day in class. lol but what ever. lol oh yes. i need help with the science home work so may you please help me understand it tomorrow before class?? love you!!!


love where have you been? do you even come on this websitre any more??? come back! even though i talk to you on msn :P still come back:P i think your brother got back at me for me and you talking about him, cause he had lunch with my bf last week! do you know how creepy that is? my bf and my sorta ex bf having lunch together! i swear my ex's are forming a group, theres enought of them to. lol!

Ah im in such a good mood right now! im so happy because i've been bitchy all day and then after school i got to see Ben so i was so happy!!!! even if i had to go early. i just wanted to be with him! i miss him so much and it doesnt help that he goes to a different school.which totally sucks :( i love him to death and i barly get to see him!!! i sucks. and my moms trying to be a parent right now so shes all like your grounded 8-) so i had to be home by 5:00pm today. but at least i got to see him =D i dont know what i'd do with out him. <3 ah i cant wait to see him again! lol well i bet you will probly read this because i told you you were in it :p well if you do I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!!!! lol any ways, i have a problem. i have another story im adding to mibba. theres already alot of chapters typed out and i will be updating ALL my storys soon but i have started to write another one to day so i want to know what you guys think, should i post it on here yet or finish some of my other storys before i start TWO more??? but if i dont enbd up posting the two new ones i would be glad to e-mail them to you. just send me an e-mail with your user name and ill send you the storys. my e-mails fallingstarr_1@hotmail.com. i also dont mind you adding me to msn. i like talking to people :P i will be hopefully updating this week. i wanna up date before the week end just in case i got to my dads house cause i dont know if they still have a computer there or not. i havent been there in over two months. yeah my dad love me 8-) well i guess im going to stop typeing this because it is really looong, well at least i think its really long! i dont know you tell me if my journal is too long... well again im SORRY for not updating lately. please dont hate me!!! love to all of you!

yours truly,

September 9th, 2008 at 03:39am