Don't get a senior mad...

Soo I was in my lunch period and I"m with my friend Zack. We had some extra pretzels, and we asked this one senior if he wanted them... we were a bit annoying, but it was fun.

Me: Hey you, do you want these pretzels?
Senior: No.
Zack: Are you sure?
Senior: Yes.
Me: So you do want them =]
Senior: I said no.
Zack: Are you sure?
Senior: I don't want them.

So then the senior gets up and throws the pretzels out of Zack's hand and yells, " I SAID NO!"
then everything gets quiet and I feel a hundred eyes looking at me.
All they saw was an angry senior hovering over us, flying pretzels, and scared looks on me and Zack's face.
Then a lady that patrols there grabs Zack by the ear and pulls him out, and tells me to come out, too.
I got so scared I almost cried. *I cry easily when I'm scared*
Then the lady leaves, saying that she'll be back.

Me: Omg Zack, what are they going to do?!?!
Zack: Chill, it's alright dude, they can't do anything, we did nothing wrong. All we did was offer him some pretzels, he's the one that tweaked.

And the lady comes back and almost yells at us to tell her what happened.
She understood and let us back into lunch. Once me and Zack sat back down, everybody started asking us what we did. And there were ALREADY RUMORS SAYING THAT WE THREW A COOKIE AT HIS FACE.
Well, once Zack and I have time for ourselves, we sat at a different spot, and thought it over and we thought it was completely hilarious XD we laughed so hard we almost went to the bathroom in our pants =]

I don't know if it was just us that found it funny, or if it really WAS funny.
What do you guys think?
September 9th, 2008 at 04:26am