The End.

Put Your iTunes, windows media player etc on Shuffle

2. For each question, press the next button to get your answer.

3. Write the song title as the answer...don't lie!

1) If someone says "I hate you", you say?
Helena- My Chemical Romance

2) How would you describe yourself?
Under Pressure- MCR and The Used

3) What do you like in a guy/girl?
Buried Myself ALive- The used

4) How do you feel today?
Let THis Go- Paramore

5) What's the first thing you see in a guy/girl ?
That's What you Get- PAramore

6 ) What is your life's purpose?
Cold Hearted Town - IDK the Artist

7) What is your motto?
Dead!- My Chemical ROmnce [Live] (lol! makes total sense)

8) What do your friends think of you?
Yesterday- Pencey Prep

9) What do you think of your parents?
Blood -My Chemical Romance

10) What's the first thing you notice in a person?
To the End - My Chamical Romance

11) What do you think about very often?
I DOn't Love You- My Chemical Romance

12) What song do you sing while showering?
When it Rains -Paramore (lol!)

13) What do you think of your pet?
The Bird and the Worm- The Used (muahaha)

14) What do you think of the person you like?
8th Grade- Pencey Prep

15) What is your life story?
Drowning Lessons- My Chemical Romance

16) What do you want to be when you grow up?
Teenagers- My Chemical Romance (omgomgomg very true)

17) What do you think of when you see the person you like?
Dead!- My Chemical ROmance

18) What will you dance to at your wedding?
Let The Flames Begin- Paramore

19) What will they play at your funeral?
For a Pessimist I'm Pretty Optimistic- Paramore
(thats for all the mottherfuckers that will be laughing the day i die, lol)

20) What is your hobby/interest?
The Ripper- The Used

21) If you were a phrase what would it be?
Here (in Your Arms)- Hrllogoodbye

22) What is your biggest fear?
Lunacy Fringe- The Used

23) When you find out you have six months to live what do you say?
London Beckoned Songs About Money Written By Machines- Panic at the Disco! (wow, ttly)

24) What is your biggest secret?
Introduction- Panic At the Disco!

25) What do you think of your ex?
Honey, THis Mirror Isnt Big Enough For the Two of Us- My Chemical Romance

26) What would people describe you as?
BAng the Doldrums- Fall Out Boy

27) What do you do on your spare time?
I'm So SIck- Flyleaf

28) What do you sing while walking down the street
Headfirst for Halos- My Chemical Romcance

all the time
and at beaches too!

29) What is the worst thing ever?
I Constantly Thank GOd for Esteban- Panic at the Disco!

30) If you could take back anything what would it be ?
Sleep- My Chemical ROmance

31) If you could say something to your ex, right now what would it be?
MY Way home is Through YOu- My CHemcial Romance

32) What will you post this as?
The End.- MY Chemical ROmance

i am so taking this again in a few days....
September 9th, 2008 at 11:37pm