
I was thinking the other day, and I realized that my older sister and my (also older) friends are more responsible than teenagers are expected to be. I mean, people constantly talk about how you can't expect teenagers to think logically and make good decisions because of their raging hormones and rebelliousness. And how you have to anticipate that they will have sex, do drugs and drink.

And yet, none of my friends do this. They could if they wanted to, but they don't. And if none of my friends do this, then shouldn't the standard be a bit higher? I mean, that's eight people in one group who know better. And that's just my friends, not counting acquaintances. I know tons more teens (and they aren't just nerds) who I know for sure do none of this. And I don't live in Fantasy Land.

Actually, I live in a rather unpleasant place in Los Angeles. I've heard gunshots when I was trying to go to sleep some nights, my neighbors are tattooed gangsters and all that nonsense. Not to mention the more-frequent-than-I'd-like helicopters with searchlights.

And yet, I live above it. My friends live above it. And if we can do that, so can other people. My point is, teenagers should be held accountable for their actions. Just because you have raging hormones and bad influences doesn't mean it's not your fault. It is, and anyone can be as responsible as my friends and I, no matter what happens to them. Even if you were abused, it's not an excuse. Three out of three of my very closest, dearest friends have been molested. It's awful, I know. But it doesn't make them irresponsible.
September 10th, 2008 at 01:45am