I'm sorry, but you seem to have mistaken the stick up your ass for a pedestal.

This comment was posted on System of a Down's "Boom" video on Youtube.

jesuslordabuvall08 (1 hour ago) Show Hide
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DIS BAND IS SATANIC AND EVIL!!!! Acts 2:38 "Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit." Jesus loves u and wants to save ur souls!!! if u go to a UPCI church, repent, be saved, speak in tongues, baptised in JESUS' name 4 remission of sins, and be baptised of the holy spirit, you will go 2 heaven !!! pass this alogn remember God is always watching !!!

the same commenter posted this on the "Aerials" video.

omg dis is prolly da worstest band ive ever heard seriusly wat a bunch of talentless fagholes. hannah montana iz way much gooder den these cuntwipes

Can youtube PLEASE do background checks on its users!?

This person is probably eight to ten years old, their mind corrupted by a conservative society and conservative parents, who have disabled their ability to think for his/herself. I checked their channel, and they're a McCain/Palin fan. I quote:


I luv my country, presadent bush and of course john mccain & sarah palin lolz :P obama is a bitch and dusent deserve 2 b presadent, i hate liberals and anyone else who wants 2 turn our country into hell

What did I have to say to this little girl?
Did you even understand the point of the song AND the video?

It's promoting PEACE. I'm Catholic; System of a Down is one of the most inspirational and thought-provoking bands ever. Their combination of metaphorical and blunt lyrics pass the messages that society needs to understand.

Grow up a little and learn to form your own opinions before judging those who already do.


Jesus said to 'love thy neighbor.'

He never called anyone "talentless fagholes" or "cuntwipes."

This goes for all people. I have no tolerance for those with no tolerance. You're part of the problem of an oppressive society. Congratulations.

Learn some English, as well.
September 10th, 2008 at 07:46am