I Hate Today

I woke up this morning at 6:00 am for some strange reason. That's a good hour and a half before my alarm clock normally goes off. Laying in bed I couldn't figure out why I felt so crappy (although I suppose being that I went to sleep at 3am might have had something to do with it). I forced myself back to sleep until the last possible second (7:30am as I have to be in Garden City for work at 9am) and when I woke up for good I still had that same feeling in my gut.

Showered. Fixed up my new tattoo. Put my make-up on. Got dressed. Did my hair.
The usual routine.
Turned on the TV for a few minutes since I had about ten minutes before I needed to leave my house.
And there it was.

Oh yea, It's September 11th today.

I hate today.

Seven years ago I was getting up at 9:20am and running around my dorm room to get ready for a 10am Earth Science class. My roomate and I didn't have cable in our room hooked up yet so we didn't have the TV on. She checked her IMs and saw someone had sent her a message that a plane flew into the twin towers....we thought it was a sick joke and didn't want to wake our other roomates up by putting the TV on in the common room.

Plus we figured if something really did happen there would be more news down in the lobby. There wasn't. So we went to class.

When I came back an hour later the boys from the suite next door were sitting in the common room of my suite because they didn't have cable in any of their rooms yet. And everyone was watching the television.
I don't think any of us moved until 6pm when our RA (who lived in the boys suite) walked in with pizza's.
You see, we were all from New York City and Long Island. Two of my roomates fathers worked in the North Tower. My uncle worked on the docks in Battery Park. One of the boys mothers worked in the South Tower. Another roomates father was the president of the bank next door.

I hate today.
September 11th, 2008 at 06:44pm