Fire alarms and Transferring

During second hour today, the fire alarm went off and I thought it was weird because we already had one fire drill this week. I didn't think too much of it and we went outside where we were suppose to go and waited to go back inside. It wasn't until I heard sirens and they were getting closer to the school. Soon this green fire truck came and I thought that there was a fire somewhere in the school. A few minutes later a red fire truck came and everybody thought that we were gonna go home early. The fire trucks left and we were told to go back inside. It turned out that somebody pulled the friggen fire alarm.

I'm thinking about transferring out of my computer class. All we do is type and we don't evan turn on the computers. That class is so damn boring that I almost fell asleep five times! I didn't want to take that class in the first place! I picked piano and they gave me computers instead. I might ask my counsler if I can switch. If not, there's a guiter lesson on the 19th and I could do that instead.
September 13th, 2008 at 04:55am