never ever

I know that it's quite obviously not the end of the year. But at the same time it kind of is for me since I've finished with school and I'm moving to university on Thursday. So I thought this would be a sensible time to kind of review my new year's resolutions.
I'm such a nerd.

1. Put more effort into school. Kind of needed, since the uni I want to go to wants two Bs and an A from me.
Well, I did that, kind of. I don't think I really put enough effort in. I could have done better than I did, but I just ended up losing all motivation for school. I blame my history and critical thinking teacher for some of it because he didn't give me the extra help when I asked for it. But that's in the past now.

2. Cook at least 3 times a week. Mostly to make life easier for my mum, but I figure it'll be helpful next year if I can cook.
I didn't keep to this one really. I haven't cooked anything new in a long time and these days I mostly just help my mum with whatever she's cooking. But again, uni on Thursday, so that's going to force me to cook!

3. Generally try to be a better person. For me I think this includes having more patience, compassion and understanding for people. But for me, I also want more confidence.
I think I failed at this one the worst. I really have been trying, but far too often I let it slip. This one's just going to be ongoing though.

1. Write a significant amount of a novel. This is actually going alright already. I have the whole idea that for once I'm really happy with, and I have a couple of chapters written.
I didn't get any further than those couple of chapters but the last six months of so have been so hectic that isn't surprising. And it isn't as if there's a time limit on writing.

2. Get to my top uni choice. Obvious target really.
Done. Got my grades.

3. Do something worthwhile. I know what I mean, even if it's totally unclear.
Not really. But there's still time.

4. Forget about everything that's happened here, and just move on properly and find someone else who is actually going to be worth it.
I thought I'd found someone, but he turned out to be quite a huge jerk. And I fell in love this year, with a guy who's taken. He said he liked me too, but it never went anywhere so that was that. And I know that makes me sound like a bitch, but it was so much more complicated than I've said there. But either way, I loved him. And I don't think I'd really change that.

Well then, I kind of suck at that, huh? =]
September 14th, 2008 at 01:01am