Saturday, September 13th

Hey, this is Tev. Starting now, I'll try to get a journal up every day. So I'll start off with some stuff about me.
Name: Tevin (Tev) Leigh Cleese
Age: 16
Fav Color: Light Blue and Light Green
Fav Food: Salmon with carmelized brown sugar
Fav random inside joke: I heart chunky peanut butter!!!
Fav Book series: The Twilight Series
Fav author: Stephanie Meyer

Okay, me and my friends all read the Twilight Series and we all have a character. My bff Kelsey is Bella, Jackie is Rosalie (she's blonde), Brandon is Emmett, Kaelyn is Alice, Mandi is Tonya, Emma is Kate, and I am the best of all of them. I look just like my friend Kell Bell, but I'm two years younger even though we're in the same grade (I skipped. she repeated kindergarten) but people always ask about her as "What the f is your sister doing???) So I'm Renesmee Carlie Cullen. I'm half blood-drinking vampire, half adorable little girl who grows at an alarmingly high rate. Bella is my momma and Edward is my Daddy. My bestest friend ever is none other than a gigantic 17 year old boy who can turn into a werewolf thing. And I can show people stuff in their heads b y touching their faces. (I'm awesome) I'm also called the Loch Ness Monster (or just Nessie).
See You later, Tev / Renesmee Cullen
September 14th, 2008 at 06:55pm