The Deadly Disease

Someone...please help me.

Writer's block...

I have a story, "Warning: Not Intended For Small Children" its a sequel to one of my other stories, "Do Not Touch Under Penalty By Law" (which went very well). Lately, I've been noticing a down fall in having, mulitiple stories. See, whenever I get an idea, I save it as a draft. Well, eventually, I ended up having about...fifty things in my drafts folder.

When I finally came up with an idea that I loved so much, I couldn't stand to just "draft" it.

That idea, is now "The Ripped Chronicles". Another one of my stories.
Its pretty new, and I only have one subscriber, but I like the general idea.

Down fall, I get lots of demands to "speed up" on updates from WNIFSM, but what really sucks is...I'm getting writer's block.

And I'm only getting a few ideas to continue my story TRC. Which is getting no demands to speed up on updates.

Any ideas?
September 15th, 2008 at 12:11am