Have you ever wanted to die?

Have you ever wanted to end your life so badly, that you couldn't think of one reason to stay?
Have you ever lost all hope?
Have you ever felt so down that your body physically felt like it would collapse?
Have you ever been so sad that you couldn't cry?
Have you ever wondered what it would feel like if every bone in your body was broken in half, just so you could see if the pain hurt as bad as you feel in that moment?
Have you ever thought of suicide, and cried over your own death, because you knew that no one else would?
Have you ever wished that something horrible would happen to you, just so that someone, anyone would feel pity for you?
Have you ever wanted to start a fight about nothing, just so someone could see that you're hurting inside?
Have you ever looked at a sunny sky and wished that it would rain and you would never have to see the sun again?
Have you ever loved and lost, because the one you loved, never loved you back?
Have you ever hated someone but loved them at the same time?
Have you ever sat down an did something completely pointless to keep your mind off of what was going on around you?
Have you ever wanted to fall asleep and not wake up?
Have you ever had a dream so great, that when you woke up, and realized that none of it was real, and that life was so incredibly worse, that you cried the moment you woke up?
Have you ever run out of options when you had options to run out of?
Have you ever lost everything, just to realize that you didn't have anything to begin with?
Have you ever gotten so tired of being yelled at that you were willing to kill yourself just so that you would never have to hear it again?
Have you ever meant every single one of these statements and you wanted to give up on everything, including life, because no one would listen to you?

I have.
I do.

But I would never kill myself, I've just wanted to many times.
September 15th, 2008 at 03:19am