Silent Raves are my new love.

So, Friday night my friend Sarah and I went to a silent rave. I didn’t even know what the hell a silent rave was until Friday. It was soooo COOL. I’m not even kidding, best night of my life.

So If you don’t know what a silent rave is, I’ll start off by explaining. A bunch of people get together and rock out to their ipods. This one took place in downtown Boston. So a bunch of people got together at Copley Place (if anyone knows where that is) and rocked out. It was sooo effing awesome. It was right as the sun was going down, and it was raining fairly hard. (which the rain made the whole thing so much more fun except I ruined my favorite shoes.. =[ ) Sarah and I got there and saw all these people silently jumping around and we were like “OMG IT’S OUR KIND!” so we joined right in.

Lol so there was a guy there who was shirtless and he was going around dancing with all the girls, and he came up to dance with me and my ipod started playing “Bad Touch” by The Bloodhound Gang. If you know that song, you’ll know how hilariously funny it was to be dancing with a half naked guy and only I could hear the song. Hahaha it was so great.

Then you know how people make those dance-off circles and people go in the middle and like get down? Well there was one of those and I pushed Sarah in the middle and she started dancing and like everyone loved her!!! I was so lame I was like “THAT’S MY FRIEND!!!” hahaa.

Then after that there was this wickedly adorable guy that Sarah and I were both stalking, (but we didn’t know that we were both obsessed with him until after the rave and we started talking about it) and we went online afterwards to sift through the pictures that people put up and we found ones of him, lol. Tell me that’s not creepy. But yeah. I could post the website where some guy put his album up. But I don’t think I’m allowed to cause I didn’t take the pictures myself, so nevermind. It was so spur of the moment that I didn’t actually bring my camera… bummer… =[

Lol so my mom was freezing because she was waiting for us in the rain so after a little while we walked over to Borders to dry off and the group of people just RAN down thee street and my mom was soooo happy that we left right before something fun happened because she was afraid that we would have died or something.

BUT OMGGGG it was sooo amazing. Like quite literally the best night ever. T hen the next day I had to work all morning and that night I went to another thing where we all just danced all night (my friends sweet sixteen. totally different from a rave, but still awesome)

So lemme know if you’ve been to a silent rave before, or even the one in Boston on Friday, casue they are seriously like my new-found love. Oh it was so cool. I can’t even get over it.
September 15th, 2008 at 05:21am