We're Singing Whoa-Oh-Ohhhhhh =] [PART 2]

i'm so glad i was so excited last night.
it exceeded ALL of my expectations!

The Maine were amazing...played their cover of I Wanna Love you like i wanted them too.
Then We The Kings came on...played more songs this time (YAY!) AND...because they love the UK so much did a special cover of Feel Good Inc. by the Gorrillaz! it was f**king immense! i absolutely loved them.
And then of course...The Academy Is...
and it really did take all of my strength not to jump William Beckett right there. i am officially in love. he's yummy! i remember thinking at one point "is it still conidered cheating if you kiss a rockstar? cos it's not like it's gonna happen again!" and then scolding myself a few times!
he was sooooooooooo flippin' hot. and his shirt was getting steadily more unbuttoned as the night went on. sadly though it never came off :(

and then...once it was all finished:
i went down to the merch booth to buy The Maine's CD...and bumped into Travis and Hunter from We The Kings. So both hugged me and Travis signed the We The Kings tshirt i had on! and took a picture with Suzie and I. (she very nearly passed out!)
Then got my CD...and just so happened to find Garret and Kennedy from The Maine standing there...so they signed it. And then i crashed into Pat...totally by accident...and he hugged me and signed my CD too!
and then we left...out into the pouring Scottish rain...and who's standing out there? none other than John O'Callaghan...my boy from the Maine. so he also signed my CD and took a picture with me and Suzie. he was soooooooooooo nice and so sweet...and did i mention yummy?

Oh yeah...and i caught one of Mike Carden's guitar picks too :)
September 16th, 2008 at 05:57pm