Today is a bad day

So today was a normal day, I went to my English, and didn;t even stay an hour, because I got sick. YAY. Ha. Not. I really hope this isn't the flu or anything, that would suck. After I got home took some med and ate some soup, I felt a little better. Then, I got a call from my friend Jill. She had to deliver me the worst news EVER, Our friend Pat had died this morning. He had broke his arm, I guess, last night and went to the hospital and got a cast and some meds for the pain and being the stupid crazy boy he is, he apparently had some other drug in his system which clashed with the pain meds and had a heart attack. I still really hasn't hit me yet. Like, this is just so out of the blue. I'm going to miss him dearly.
September 17th, 2008 at 01:36am