My Summer Discoveries

-- sunscreen doesn't work.
-- little boys with waterguns are evil.
-- old men are competitive in pool volleyball.
-- finding nemo never gets old.
-- there are bottles and cans combined, and they are awesome.
-- opening your eyes underwater hurts.
-- eye drops fix that ^ in under 2 minutes :).
-- don't play sweet and sour with people on motorcycles.
-- don't stalk your cousins neighbors
-- don't let your cousins neightbors stalk you
-- always carry kleenex
-- don't mess with little girls that can beat you up
-- guys plus gym equals a nice combo
-- always keep bugspray in an arms distance.
-- work first, then play.
-- watching shows about death at night is not smart.
-- dont eat chocolate after 10PM.
-- dont give little boys fake snakes.
-- boy bands are making an extreme comeback.
-- ^that is not, and will never be, a bad thing^
-- Bandemonium is awesome. :D
-- Try not to get hit by surfers at the beach.
-- Vitamin Water tends to mysteriously fall down, a lot.
-- Parents will always lie.
-- Seaweed is not alive.
-- Don't swallow toothpaste.
-- Slipping on floors covered in Clorox hurts.
-- The radio plays the same songs over and over a little too much.
-- I depend too much on my ipod.
-- Scratch that: i depend on technology a little too much.
-- Always recycle.
-- i try too hard.
-- i am a perfectionist.
-- watching CSI can help you in life.
-- dont wait til the last minute.
-- im a book worm.
-- i like my hair short.
September 17th, 2008 at 02:59am