. Oh it is good =)

Well that was completely irrelevent!

Warm weather! How I missed thee!

How is everyone? I've been ignoring Mibba a bit lately. Probably because I've fallen back into the Neopets phase. I have a Shoyru named ruuushuu and a Uni named Mixxie_Bob.
(you have to be very creative with your names because most of them are all used up.)

I got my bike back and I've been riding like crazy! I like bikes. They are good fun.

Oh, and I owe so much to that site. I heard some pretty awesome music on that website
(I'm listening to it now =D)

And just so you all know, my nan has the coolest vaccuum cleaner Ever.
It is red, it's round, it has a face on it and where the hose comes out of it is the nose.
It's name is Henry. He makes vaccuuming fun!

And only two weeks until Mel comes home! (my favourite aunty. Shhh, don't tell my other aunties) I can't wait! Haven't seen her since February, she's been, well... England, some parts of Asia, pretty much everywhere in the UK, and America. Lucky lady.
And in the holidays I shall see her again! (happy face)

I say "lol" out loud way too much. I've got everyone else saying it now too. Heh.

And I think this guy in Year 12 likes me. I'm pretty stupid and blind when it comes to noticing people flirting with me, but it's all I can think of to explain why he always talks to me, offers me a ride to school if I'm running late, comes into work and makes up excuses to stay and talk to me (can you teach me how to work that? Oh, help me find this!). Considering I've never really talked to the guy much until recently. Heh, my friend stole about 100 P-plates out of his car. Big stack. We carried them around town for the whole day.

And finally, my random quote for today. Of course, a "had-to-be-there" moment.

*loud sirens outside*

Nanny: What do you think that was?

Me: Sirens probably.

Nanny: *gives me a "duh" look* I know they were sirens you twit.

It was kinda "lol" at the time. Well, I laughed.

Da da da, da da da da, da da da da.
Heh, that's not how the song goes.

Oh well. Boobs.

Tata, Gen xx
September 17th, 2008 at 01:53pm