

So all the graduates from my high school are invited on this humanitarian trip to Peru this year. The location changes every year. Last year it was Costa Rica, and before that it was Ecuador. It's usually around 15 kids that go. It's not a vacation. You take part in a humanitarian project. i.e. building a cement floor for a museum or building a playground.


It's three weeks long. We stay with host families either alone, or with one other student. They feed us and all that. It's a really amazing, once in a life time experiance.


The only problem is it's 3000$. I'm going to go on the New York/Washington grad trip. That's not supposed to be too expensive, but it'll still cost a lot. I want to go to New York with friends. There's a grad camping trip, ski trip, principals ball, prom, and all the bouncers nights out (aka clubbing, drinks, and cab fare). Oh, and I need 125$ for friday.. anyone want to help out? haha.. what have I gotten myself into.

It's going to be WORTH EVERY CENT.
Atleast, that's what I keep telling myself..
Am I being ridiculous?

September 18th, 2008 at 12:36am