story of my life

ohhhkay so it's like 8 pm on september 17th

1st piece of news: 5 days til my birthday!
2nd: so today i was sick and i got an IM from a girl i met at the jonas brothers concert in allentown, pa and so heres the story that goes behind this new story. ok so old story is at the concert i was like 2 feet away from the stage, right, and she has diabetes and she and nick are working on a project together and she need help getting him to see her so he knew she was there and to pull her up on stage, so being me, i decided to help her, i mean what the heck right, anything to help a fellow jonas fan haha. anyways, so me and this other girl lifted her up on our shoulders it was actually a really cool experience cause like nick kept looking at us. so, anyways the newest part of the story is that today she IMed me and was like okay so you know how i said i would totally repay you for helping me out and i was like right and she was like well i have an idea how to do that and i was like really? and then she signed off, STORY OF M Y LIFE! so i can't wait until she tells me how she's going to repay me, trust me i'll let cha know!

mmkay peace<3
September 18th, 2008 at 02:15am