The Best Night Of My Life. (TAI, Islington Academy)

Yesterday, was in case you did not read the title, the best night of my life, my friend Gerry, was kind enough to give me a ticket for the TAI gig for my birthday. After finally getting to Islington, and being convinced that I was going to get crushed, I finally saw what going to a gig is all about, being crushed into a small place with too many people, jumping up and down, and just being with my friends, enjoying myself, and spending most of the time screaming my heart out, while rather unashamedly staring at Michael Guy Chislett, lol.

Then after the gig, which btw The Maine, and We Are Kings were supporting for, I stood around in the freezing cold, for god knows how long talking to John, and hugging Kennedy, (sorry about spelling, but I had never heard of the other bands before Wednesday.)

After a while, after watching the back door open and shut countless times, there was a sudden rush towards the door, and all of a sudden there was; The Butcher, Sisky, Mike Carden, Bill and Michael walking through the door then a sudden push and everyone was just screaming and rushing around, most people were rushing after Bill, but all I wanted was a hug from Michael-Guy, but he just walked straight past, do you know how devastating that was? Seriously. Then we noticed that they were down the side of the bus, so after pushing my way through the crowd, I finally reached the bus, and there was Michael, and although I felt rude, because he was on the phone, I just had to talk to him, so after he saw me and hung up the phone, I finally got to talk to him and tell him that I caught his plectrum and then finally after a very stupid conversation, I can’t remember much about it though, I actually got a hug, the hug I had been waiting for, for about 2/3 years.

I saw Gerry’s green trousers flash past me and turned to see her hugging Bill, and she did deserve it because she is wonderful!

Therefore, I am not writing this to annoy people, or make anyone jealous or anything, but it was my first ever gig, and as a belated 16th birthday present, it was the best thing I have ever got. So thank you Gerry, thank you for reading, and thank you TAI, We Are Kings, and The Maine.
September 18th, 2008 at 10:11pm