The Jonas Disease

The Jonas Brothers.

Have to say, Jonas fanfics are probably the bane of my mibbian life right now.

Don't get me wrong, I don't want them all banned (who knows, there may be one or two good ones on here) but... god, some of the suck!

I'm definitely not a band-fiction fan, although there are one or two really good ones that I will read, but I find there are so many second rate ones out there, poorly written, barely believable stories too busy worshipping the band to think of any plot development or any good description.

There are other stories like this. The poorly written slash, the monotonous emo-girl story.

I abhor them all.

But I find that lately the Jonas brothers have had some of the most awful stories written about them.

To be honest, I don't even like them personally, but I'm not a My Chemical Romance or Avenged Sevenfold (or whatever band) fan either and I have read a few good fanfics about them.

I just find that good fanfics for the Jonas brothers... sort of don't exist.

Perhaps I'm just missing them, but now it's got to the point where I won't bother with a user that has the word 'Jonas' in their name.

Also, it makes me want to cry tears of frustration when I read a story title that sounds promising, and it's going great for a chapter or two, until...

Suddenly some famous person elbows their way in and ruins it all.

I'm not saying that all fanfics are like this, but it just disappoints me when I find out that what could have been a great work of original gets slaughtered by the fan fiction disease.

I'm just saying... where is the original fiction?

All I seem to stumble across nowadays is fanfiction, and it's boring me.

If you reckon you have a good original fiction story, leave me a comment?

I don't mind if it's slash, femmeslash, het, whichever genre... just not including the Jonas Brothers!!
September 19th, 2008 at 11:45pm