Basic Ranting

I truly believe I deserved an actual role.
Understudy? Seriously?
I don't think I'm the best or anything and I'm not even asking for a main character, but ugh.
I don't want to show up for practive everyday (sometimes more than people who do have a main part) just to sit around. Especially when I could just go home, do my homework, and go to bed. Being idle was not fun last year. Sitting off to the side and getting to the scene I'm in maybe twice a week, for the lose.
Speaking of last year, did I not prove myself then? That I could learn all my lines (which weren't many because I got the part last minute, only because he ran out of people), I made sure I knew went to enter, when to exit, blocking in general.
I don't want to just be in a million crowd scenes again.
I won't even go into the people he DID cast. Ugh.
I'm glad Rachael and Tia got a good part though. They deserve it. Especially Tia.
By the way, Kelly and Kara definitely deserved a part too.
Also, boys suck.
This rant has been done about a thousand times before by pretty much every girl alive.
It's an understandable thing to rant about though.
Basically, said boy has been messing with my head for like 2-3 years now.
Acting all cute and stuff (ex. "You're so adorable!" "I miss you so much." "I love you, we really need to hang out." And he used to write/draw me stuff during class).
Don't get me wrong, it's not just a friendly type thing. If I'm misreading this as something more than it is, so have a majority of my friends (including guys).
But, as I said, it's been happening for years.
He would act all cute and then get a girlfriend and ignore me.
Recently though, he gave me a card. It has a sad little puppy on the front with "I Miss You" in silver lettering below it.
On the inside, and I quote (italicized=what he wrote),
"This puppy looks
As sad as I feel.
You can see his tail's not waggin'.
'Til we can be together again
For me, time will only be draggin'.

Miss you like crazy
everyday... every second...

Love ya, kiddo

And on the other side
"I just wanted to tell you how much you mean to me... these past years... talking to you has really helped me through a lot... There's something I want to tell you... but I'll wait until later to tell you that."

Hmm, maybe I did misinterpret it. 'Kiddo' isn't really something you'd call someone you like. Ughhh. He gave me this cute little Japanese symbol with the card. (If you wondering, about a week after said card ((well, this week))... he begins to ignore my existence again and focuses his attention on some other girl.)

I'm done ranting.
I'm tired.
&&& Darian got me sick (bet you loved Mr. Just Surrender sticking up for you, haha. <3 )
Apparently I'm not good enough for anyone/anything.
September 20th, 2008 at 01:31am