Stealing Potatoes

Well, actually it's more like confiscating them.

My Mum's being really random today. I swear she's pregnant or on happy pills. She came bouncing down the stairs, singing the song from the Muppets... Mnehmneh (I can't type it, but I can sing it.) And she bounced into the kitchen (at 6:35 am) screaming: "NO BODY EXPECTS THE SPANISH INQUISITION" and then fell over screaming with laughter...
Does anyone elses Mum do this?

This evening we were picking salad leaves for the salad at supper and I was saying about how one of my friends younger brother's is really worried about her because she's smoking. And he's always linked smoked to cancer to death. So he's worried she's gonna die young of cancer. I told Mum that he had a soft spot for her, she replied with; "Well, it's better than a hard spot!" And cracked up laughing.

Then, she was unpacking some potatoes from a bag and singing "I Will Always Love You" into the wierd shaped potatoes. And scaring the cats because it was so loud and so out of tune and so off key it was scary.

I decided the best thing to do (after trying to ask her what she'd been smoking) was to removed the offending potatoes before someone phoned the looney bin. When I attempted this she ran after me up our really steep stairs screaming "Someone phone the police! My daughter is stealing my potatoes!" She collapsed into laughter and then fell down the stairs... please tell me someone else's Mum behaves like this??
April 27th, 2007 at 08:44pm