A note pertaining my stories.

First of all, i'd like to start of by thanking everyone who's ever read any of my stories. You guys are the reason i continue to try and better myself with my writing.

Now, the whole reason for this journal post.

As some of you may or may not know, i'm going to be attending university for the next three years. I'm moving out of my home and heading out on my own for the first time ever. I'm jetting off 150 or so miles away to Chester, in the north west of England. The past few days have been pretty hectic, packing and finding transport etc. and i think the next few are going to be just as busy.

So what i'm basically trying to say is that i won't be updating Linger, or posting any more one shots for a little while. I'm not sure how long it'll take me to settle in, seeing as i have to make a whole bunch of new friends and i'm not the most sociable person in the world. Plus, if the university stereotype is true, i'll be out most of the time.

It's nothing drastic, it's not like i'm never going to update. Please don't think that's the end of it, because it isn't. I just need a few days, maybe weeks to get ajusted to my new environment.

I really hope you'll all understand, not be too upset, and stick with me through this. The people who read my stories mean the world to me, and i hope i won't loose any of you in my short absence.

If there's anything you guys want to know, if you have questions about anything, or you just want to talk; i'll still be lurking around.

Thanks for reading this far, and i'll see you all very soon :]


PS - If you know someone who reads Linger, and they don't see the chapter that led you here before i delete it (seeing as i don't want to get my account banned or anything), can someone inform them that this journal post is here? Thanks a bunch guys.
September 20th, 2008 at 03:07pm