My not-so-perfect-day

When I woke up i thought it would be a perfect day. I didn't forget to eat breakfast and i wlre my favorite outfit, black shirt with black jeans. When i reached the car, my mom let me listen to what ever radio station i wanted, so obviously i chose my favorite head banging music-rock. I thought to myself that it was going to be a great day.

Once i reached my class, my teacher was passing out our spelling tests (that have been graded), i was so anxcious to see what i got. This is the test i have studied so long for. When i got my back I did not but sit there with my mouth open... An F! I said angrily to myself. a buch of thoughts roamed through my mind, "what is my mom going to say" and "what a great start of my so called perfect day."

Then, I went to Geography, it took forever to get out. He made us write a 5 paragraph essay on volcanoes. It was pointless because we didn't even get a grade on it! So all that work for nothing! But I have no say in this because I am just a student and teachers have full athority...

Finally, Science class, i was glad because we had a subsitute, and well you know how it goes. When you have a subsitute you basically do whatever you want. So me and my friends decided to sit at a table and talk. We were talking about random stuff, for example it went from Invader Zim to dogs to computers to porn. The reasom why we were talking about porn was because vito, total perv., wanted to see what we were gonna say about it. It turned out he got horny (lmao). my friend asked "are you gonna jack off?". Vito responded with a "maybe", and he suddenly put his and in his pants. I just watched to the point that i just got discuted and said "VITO STOP!" The way vito responded was "wait one second its about to pop." i was about to barf. Finally he stopped, i was grateful (lol). and then as a joke he said "Gabby, high five." i was like "f*** no"

lol hope you liked it?
Please commet =D
September 21st, 2008 at 01:07am