The Universe is a cruel, cruel, being....

It seemed like too long I had been boring my friends and family with stories about my ambitions and I'm quite sure that they never actually thought I would get a job, that I would stay at home in front of my computer forever, never achieving anything.

I on the other hand was ready. I was tired of sitting at home doing nothing, I had my friends on-line and my stories but I wanted something more.

I applied for the job and got a interview, having no previous experience, being overweight with tattoos and facial piercings I honestly thought it was a long shot actually getting the job, but you know I was going in there with nothing but enthusiasm, I wanted this job, being a baker is one of the two big dreams I have left.

I was sure if anything the boss who interviewed me would see that I really really wanted this job, I wanted to work there, the place was in walking distance of my house and everything about working there would be so so easy.

After having an excellent interview the boss asked me to come in for a two day trial, he was willing to test me in the bakery. It was a five am start. At first I was really nervous but I was excited, I decided that I was going to go in there and work the hardest I could, show them that I could handle the work, that I wanted to work there.

The night before my first trial day I found out that my Nanna had passed away. For a while there I just couldn't let it in. It made me feel selfish, but I knew that I needed to work. I would allow myself to cry about it in two days after work.

The first day went really good, I was worked really hard, the work load was a lot to take in but I felt I did well, everyone in the bakery was really positive and helpful. The only really sucky thing about it was as soon as I got in there they asked me to remover my snakebites, I did, I didn't complain about it either...I got home after that day at work, really tired and sore but I absolutely loved it. I couldn't wait for the next day.

The next day was even better, the boss pulling me aside to talk to me. He said 'don't give up on yourself getting this job, we certainly haven't.' he asked me when I would be back from my grandmothers funeral and told me that he would call me after then.

I then had to pack to go interstate to bury my only grandmother. She had always been so far away that it was hard for me to see her often, I felt like I had lost any chance I had to get to know her more, having only met her for the first time when I was sixteen. The funeral was incredibly sad and everyone was clearly affected by her passing, my nanna was a freaking legend!!

I got home on Tuesday and waited for the call from the bakery that never came. I was with my friends so I just shrugged it off, meh it was just a dream and such. whatever there were plenty of other jobs around right?

so the next day my friend and I went down to the shopping centre, I had shopping to do, I was curious about the bakery, but pretty sure that they hadn't called me because they had chosen someone else.

When we were leaving we walked past the bakery and I saw that they were still handing out job application forms. My heart sank, up until then I hadn't been positive, but I had hoped that there was still a chance.

Saddened I walked out of the shops finally accepting that I wasn't going to get that job after all. We were sitting at the bus sop across the road from the shopping centre when my phone rang.

When I answered it was the bakery. The boss asked me if I could start from the Monday coming, onwards. he was putting me on a three month trial for a full time position. I quickly got off the phone to him, just letting his words ring in my ears. I got the job... I was going to be a baker.

When I started work I was felt clumsy, but was quickly told about all the other mistakes that newer employees had had, that I was doing fine, I would get better the more I worked.

What they had said was true, as the days melted away the pain in my legs lessened, I was making less mistakes. I felt far more confident in my work. I felt like I was finally a proper part of society. I was moving on with my life.

Things at home were different though, my friends backed right off, scared that they would call when I was asleep. I couldn't write properly, I just couldn't find the time and when I was sitting at home after work I was just too tired to do anything, let alone formulate the chapters of my stories. My on-line friends had it worse; I only spoke to them during the weekends. I felt awful, but thankful they all understood. I had spent the whole time telling them all how awesome it was to work there, how happy I was.

Three weeks into my new 'fantastic job', It's Tuesday and my boss isn't in, he isn't going to be till Thursday, which was cool, just meant that I was with the other bakers.

The two apprentices, having been working together for more than three years decided that they would talk to each other, ignore me. Which was cool, I just went about doing my job; I just didn't go out of my way to talk to them.

After coming back from my first break one of the apprentices approached me and asked me if I had eaten breakfast before coming to work. Taken back by his question I told him I had, which wasn't a lie. He then asked me what I had eaten. I gave him a strange look and told him what I had for breakfast. He then went into a rant about how important it was to have breakfast every day.

Far out man, I was ignoring you because you two were ignoring me, sorry if I wasn't sucking up to you two every second I got. I didn't say anything I was just pissed off at the lecture I clearly didn't deserve having actually eaten breakfast.

The next day on my way to work I wondered what the apprentices would have me doing that day. Apparently they had lots for me to d. they worked me, harder than they ever had before, sure they were nicer about it but they were leaning on the bench watching me doing all the work, something the boss would never allow, in his bakery if you have time to stand around you aren't earning your pay.

UI didn't say anything, I just did as they asked, called my friend ion my breaks, exhausted. Just before knock off time the boss came into work and asked if he could talk to me... When your boss takes you out of work to buy you a coffee, it's never a good sign. I knew it too.

He told me it was clear I didn't like the job, I wasn't 'dedicated'. I watched his face as he searched for excuses to fire me. I was shocked, I hadn't seen it coming. They had always told me that I was doing well. I asked when he wanted me to stop working. He said I could work another day, but all I could think of was working in an environment where everyone knew that you had been fired... I didn't want that sort of confrontation; I told him I would come in the next day to give him the uniform.

I walked out of the place still in shock. I loved that job, I worked hard, Never dropped anything, never broke anything, meh, I could make excuses why I shouldn't have been fired but it wouldn't make it any different. I was fired for no good reason; they got three weeks of really cheap labor.
September 21st, 2008 at 04:39pm